How is the quality of an image measured?

What measures the quality of an image? What is the resolution of a photograph? How can I determine the image quality of my camera photos? Can I improve the image quality of my photos ?

If your knowledge in photography is basic, you have surely wondered what determines the image quality of the photos of a camera. It is likely that on more than one occasion you have seen photographs taken by a low-resource camera, with better quality than those of a professional camera.

That is why today at miracomosehace we have decided to dispel all those myths that exist regarding the image quality of photos in a camera.

Can megapixels measure the image quality of photos on a camera?

Surely you have heard several times that the image quality of the photos of a camera depends on the megapixels that the camera has. And surely you have tried to improve the quality of the camera to have better photos. Or improve the image quality of a photo to enlarge or enlarge it.

The truth is that no matter what device you are talking about, be it a cell phone, tablet, camcorder or a professional camera, the first data to determine the image quality of the photos is the number of megapixels that the camera has.

But actually the megapixels that the camera of a cell phone, tablet, camcorder or professional camera has, do not influence the quality of the image. So you can have a 10 megapixel camera and have the same quality as a 16 megapixel camera.

It may sound crazy but it is. Megapixels refer to the number of pixels that a camera sensor has. These are responsible for providing a resolution. What can make the photo look better.

How is the quality of an image measured or determined?

Having good image quality allows you to edit photos like a pro. This is because the better the quality, the more design freedom you will have, for example you can increase the size of an image without losing quality.

Therefore, having a good image quality is essential. But how do you determine the quality of an image? It can be measured or determined by parameters such as color, camera compression, natural or artificial light, contrast, and saturation.

The number of megapixels that a camera can have does not define the quality of an image. In this way it is possible that a camera that has 10 megapixels takes better photos than a 16 megapixel camera.

Why does this happen? It is due to the size of the sensor that the camera may have. The larger the sensor of a photo, the better the quality and the way it captures colors, light, contrast, saturation or shadows.

So when purchasing a camera, instead of choosing the one with the highest number of megapixels, choose the one with a larger sensor.

What factors to consider when taking a photo?

Now that you know that the image quality of your photos does not depend on the megapixels that a camera has, but on its sensor, there are certain things that you can take into account to take excellent quality photos :

  • Take photos where there is good light. If you ask any professional in the field of photography, they will answer you that the secret of a good photo is the light with which you take it.
  • Determine a goal. In the world of photography it is called “Focus”. When taking a photo, focus on the object, place or person where you want to center your photo, in this way the quality will be better.
  • The more fixed the object or person to whom you take the photo is, the better its quality will be, since you will have better precision and you can avoid blurry photos.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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