How Half-Life: Alyx ends

Full description of the ending of the new Half-Life. Caution: Spoilers!

Half-Life: Alyx is the long-awaited sequel to the legendary series. Unfortunately, only a few will be able to play it: the game was released only for virtual reality helmets. This is especially disappointing given that her plot contains an unexpected twist that will be important to all fans of the series. In this article, we’ll detail how Half-Life: Alyx ended. Of course, there are some serious spoilers ahead.

What were the past games about?

More than 12 years have passed between the release of Half-Life 2: Episode Two (the last game in the series) and Half-Life: Alyx. During this time, a new generation of players has grown up who do not understand why there is such a stir around this franchise. If you want to catch up – we recommend starting with Black Mesa , a recent remake of the first part, and then going through the sequel and both episodes. Gameplay they are practically not outdated.

Recall that in the first Half-Life we ​​saw the disaster at the Black Mesa research station and the invasion of aliens through the opened portals. Despite the death of their leader Nihilanth, they conquered Earth. In the second part, we face the consequences of a lost war. The protagonist of the franchise is Gordon Freeman . It was he who accidentally staged a catastrophe on the Black Mesa and killed Nihilanth, and later became the leader of the Resistance – an organization that continues to fight against the invaders. But his actions were closely watched by the G-Man , a mysterious man with incomprehensible intentions. Presumably, he is a puppeteer who manipulates Gordon. Alix Vance played an important role in the events of Half-Life 2- Freeman’s fighting girlfriend. At the very end of Episode Two, the aliens killed her father, Eli . This ended the story.

Alyx ending

Half-Life: Alyx is the first high-budget game aimed exclusively at VR headsets

Action Half-Life: Alyx takes place before the beginning of the second part, but after the defeat in the war with aliens. The main character of the game was Alix, who carries out special assignments of the nascent Resistance. This shooter has already been named the best project for VR.

At the end of the game, Alix opens the capsule where she thought Gordon Freeman was all this time. However, the G-Man is waiting for her there. He invites the girl to fulfill her every wish. Miss Vance asks that the aliens leave the earth, but this does not suit the employers of the G-Man. But he knows “what Alix really wants.”

The action is transferred to the future, where she sees herself next to her dying father. G-Man gives her the opportunity to bring Eli back to life, to which the girl agrees without hesitation. However, she is not allowed to return home, and she remains in pitch darkness, “awaiting further instructions.” Most likely, at that moment, Alix fell under the control of the G-Man. It should not be forgotten that the whole game is a prequel to the events of the second part. That is, it is possible that the girl was under someone else’s influence throughout Half-Life 2 and both episodes.

The Half-Life: Alyx rating on Metacritics is 92 out of 100. Phenomenal result!

After the end credits, we see the continuation of the story of Episode Two from the eyes of Gordon Freeman. Eli is really alive, but his daughter is missing. We are solemnly handed the tire iron and told that “there is still a lot of work ahead.”

So what do we have? The ending of Half-Life: Alyx not only rewrites the ending of Episode Two, but also forces you to take a fresh look at the events of the entire series. But most importantly, having put an end to the old cliffhanger, Valve clearly intends to continue the history of Half-Life. And this is good news.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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