How Google Drive works;5 Tips

If you need to share, send or backup your files, even large ones, saved on the hard disk, you can make the most of all the features of Google Drive.

Google Drive is a “cloud storage” , that is a large hard disk on the web where you can save and share all the files you want. Finding out how Google Drive works can open up a world of possibilities where, with a few clicks, you can pass files to other users, or use the same file from multiple computers, without the need to always carry a hard drive with you.

In this short guide, we will accompany you to discover the main functions of Google Drive , so as to allow you to understand how to use it best and in the way that best suits your needs. In particular, here we will explain:

  • How to open an account for Google Drive;
  • How to save files on the “cloud”;
  • How to share files on Google Drive;
  • How to use the backup and synchronization function from your pc.

Well! Make yourself comfortable, let’s go to order and read our guide to Google Drive !

  1. How to get started with Google Drive
  2. How to upload files to Google Drive
  3. How to share files with other people thanks to Google Drive
  4. How Google Drive backup and sync works

How to get started with Google Drive

To start using and understanding how Google Drive works , you will first need to have a Google account . If you already have a Gmail address then you already have a Google account and you won’t need to do anything else. If you don’t have it, you will have to go to and create your account: the operation is simple and takes a few minutes (you can start it by clicking here ).

Once this is done, go to the Google Drive home page , click on the “Go to Google Drive” button in the center of the page and log in by entering the data of the new e-mail created on Gmail.

Well! At this point you are already using Google Drive and you have 15 GB of free space to upload your files. If you need more space, you will need to sign up for a subscription and pay.

How to upload files to Google Drive

When you log into Google Drive for the first time, the program will give you some simple information on how it works. As you can see from the wizard, uploading a file to Google Drive is very simple : just drag the file or folder you want to copy to Google Drive in the program interface . Alternatively, you can click on “New” at the top left and then select file or folder. Clearly the heavier a file, the longer it will take to upload to Google Drive.

Well! Now these files are on the cloud: you will be able to access these files, download them, edit them or simply view them from any computer and location . The PC just needs an internet connection. Obviously, you can do the same from your mobile, but in this case you will have to download the appropriate App. The first step to understand how Google Drive works has been done, let’s see now how to share files with other users!

How to share files with other people thanks to Google Drive

One of the most useful features of Google Drive is to be able to share files with others through two simple clicks. Once the file you want to share has been uploaded to the Drive, just right click on it, choose the “Share” option and enter the name of the people (if already present in your Google account contact list) or their email. There is only one limitation for the people you have entered who will now be able to access your file: they must also have a Google Drive account !

If they don’t have it, at the top right you can find the “Get sharing link” option that will allow the recipient to open your file even without having a Google account . The same procedure also applies to entire folders you want to share: right-click on the folder, choose the “share” option and send to the people you want.

A very useful option of Google Drive is the possibility to choose the degree of sharing of your files : you can allow the recipient of the link to edit the file , or just view it or alternatively just comment on it. There are also other restrictions you can impose on sharing your files with others, such as preventing the file from being printed or copied.

Now that you understand how Google drive works in its main functions, let’s see an option that can save you time: synchronization and backup!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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