How do I fix Windows error 0199?

If you are using Lenovo computer, then you may encounter Windows error 0199, security password count error exceeded error when trying to start the system. As the error indicates, it is more likely to occur if the user has entered the security password incorrectly.

If you remember the SVP password, you can easily recover the system and get rid of the error. However, if the user has forgotten the password, the recovery process can be tedious and the user may need to change the system board.

If you are also concerned about this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve Windows error 0199.

Contents index

  • How do I fix Windows error 0199?
    • Restore default BIOS settings
    • Remove and reinsert the CMOS battery
    • Perform a manual BIOS reset

How do I fix Windows error 0199?

1. Restore default BIOS settings

  1. Press the Settings key when the computer starts to boot.
  2. The configuration key in most cases for Lenovo computer is F1. However, check the user manual if the F1 key does not work.
  3. Enter the SVP key when protected.
  4. From the BIOS menu, press F9 to restore the default settings.
  5. When the Load default settings now message appears , select Yes.
  6. After the default settings load, press F10 to save your changes.
  7. Exit BIOS.
  8. Restart the computer. This should resolve the error and your computer will restart normally without any problems.

Loading the default settings in BIOS can help you resolve Windows error 0199 Security password retry count has been exceeded. However, for this to work, you must know the SVP security key.

Do you have sound problems with your Lenovo? Check out this article for some solutions.

2. Remove and reinsert the CMOS battery

  1. Shut down your computer completely.
  2. Be sure to remove all cables, including the power cord, from the electrical outlet.
  3. Open the box and find the CMOS battery connected to your motherboard.
  4. Leave the motherboard idle for a few minutes.
  5. Insert the CMOS battery.
  6. Connect the power cord and other cables to your computer.
  7. Restart the computer and check if the error is resolved.

3. Perform a manual BIOS reset

  1. If the problem persists, try a manual BIOS reset.
  2. Shut down the computer completely by removing the power cord and disconnecting other cables.
  3. Next, go to the motherboard.
  4. Locate the BIOS setup jumper button on the motherboard.
  5. Move the jumper from pins 1, 2, and 3.
  6. Wait 20 seconds and then move the bridge to its original position.
  7. Reassemble your computer and restart the system.
  8. Your system should boot normally without the security password 0199 retry count having exceeded the error.

Windows error 0199 security password count exceeded error can be easily fixed by resetting the default BIOS settings.

However, if you have forgotten the SVP password, you may have to remove the CMOS battery to reset the settings or manually reset the BIOS using the jumper.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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