How Chat Rooms work on Gmail

If there’s one feature that’s making a difference in Google’s success, it’s the development of new services. Let’s think of Gmail e-mail, in which the Chat Rooms now find space . If originally it was limited to receiving and sending emails, it has now become the gateway to many other features.

Whenever it is believed that development has reached its peak, it is immediately denied. It is not always a question of major changes or the implementation of innovative services never seen elsewhere. Often these are improvements or small additions that can make the user experience more rewarding .

Gmail Chat Rooms fall into this context. Conceptually designed for professionals looking for a quick form of communication, they do not actually have limits of use. Basically anyone can benefit. So let’s find out what they are. But above all how they work and how to activate them.

What are Chat Rooms on Gmail

As the name implies, Chat Rooms on Gmail are virtual spaces in which to start quick text conversations. The main difference from Google’s e-mail is precisely the opportunity to initiate synchronous and instant communication . Of course, if the interlocutor is also available at the same time.

This is not an unexpected novelty as already last year BigG announced the development of chat messaging and group rooms to integrate video calls. But above all he had anticipated the expansion of availability from only corporate Workspace users to all personal Gmail accounts.

Hence, from an integrated workspace, the Chat Rooms on Gmail are transformed into a service for diversified uses. There remains then another question to be answered. Why create Chats in Gmail if the Google Chat feature is already available? What are the differences? Basically the functionalities are the same. What changes is the environment as the Chat in Gmail offer an integrated experience, in which to do more things at the same time. What Google calls ” a centralized place to communicate with friends, family or colleagues across emails “.

How Chat Rooms work on Gmail

An essential condition for accessing this new feature is of course the activation of a Gmail account . At that point, the Chat Rooms can be used both from Android smartphones and tablets and from PCs and Macs. We also point out that updating to the latest software version is essential. In any case, there are no expenses to be incurred as the creation and management of a Google account are free.

Chat Room on Gmail: how to activate them

Chat Rooms on Gmail are also available in Italy. As a result, just updating the email app to the latest release is sufficient. At that point there are 2 steps to follow . First, go to the Gmail account settings. Then check the Chat box in the General section.

The same simplicity is expected with the desktop experience . After starting Gmail, just click on the gear icon and access the Settings. Then click on View All Settings and then on Chat & Meetings. Finally activate the Google Chat option (early access).

At that point, after activation, the two services are added to the navigation bar at the bottom (on mobile) or in the left column (on desktop). From here they can be activated with a tap or with a click through the appropriate buttons. The default functions in the Chat Room are:

  • Start group conversation
  • Create a virtual room
  • Browse virtual room
  • Message requests

There’s also the standalone Google Chat app – how to use it

The alternative is to try the Chat desktop app with which to access all conversations, but without taking advantage of the integration with Gmail. Also in this case there are compatibility requirements .

In particular, the autonomous Chat app with PWA technology is only supported if Google Chrome version 73 or later is installed. Then you need to access the chat page and proceed with the installation. If the app is not already installed, a pop-up window will appear from which you can download it. In the address bar, click Install (top right in Google Chrome).

For completeness we also indicate the procedure for uninstalling. First, open the App Launcher on your computer. Then search for Google Chat in the search bar. Then right-click on the standalone Chat app. Finally click Remove from Chrome.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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