Hotel Marti (Guantanamo)

Hotel Marti. Located in the heart of the city of Guantánamo, next to the emblematic José Martí Park and integrated into the boulevard of the town, 910 kilometers east of Havana .

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The history of the “Martí” goes back to 1951 , when the projects arose and its construction began, which lacked gastronomic services and an adequate lobby until the Revolution transformed it in 1985 , as indicated by Gaspar Atarés Faure in his book El ring de la Guantanamo architecture .

The property is the only one that today invites foreign and national tourism in the historic center of the city, where Venus , Aurora , Esperanza , Boston , Washington once existed , whose vestiges are still appreciable in Calixto García and Emilio Giró , and the Roosevelt Hotel. ( Brazil ), undergoing slow reconstruction.


Among the services provided by this tourist institution are air-conditioned rooms with TV , Telephone , Balcony with a view of the city, Restaurant , Lobby Bar , ” La Fama ” Terrace Bar and Internet Service.

by Abdullah Sam
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