Hipopressive abs

The Hypopressive Techniques (HT) were created by the Doctor in Motor Sciences and specialized in Rehabilitation Marcel Caufriez who, through his dedication to uro-gynecological re-education, realized that traditional abdominals, in the postpartum period, impaired the pelvic floor in the postpartum period, accentuating the problems of urinary incontinence, prolapse, diastasis, … Since its discovery, Marcel Caufriez has developed these techniques until creating the Marcel Caufriez Hypopressive Method, which has various applications in the field of health, prevention and sport.


Reduce the abdominal perimeter providing aesthetic, postural and functional improvements, be an excellent prevention to all types of hernias (inguinal, abdominal, crural, vaginal …), regulate respiratory parameters, prevent urinary incontinence, increase and regulate vascularizing factors being effective in preventing and solving edema and heavy legs, preventing joint and muscle injuries by normalizing general muscle tone, providing effective lumbo-pelvic protection and like all physical exercise, providing well-being and pleasure.

Who is it suitable for

Therapy: Aimed at the treatment and prevention of various functional pathologies: digestive, gynecological, urinary, obstetric or postural. There are currently three types of Therapy Techniques: Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics Techniques (GAH): These are all exercises that include the so-called static hypopressives (HE) or basic abdominal gymnastics with their respective variants including the asymmetric and underwater program. Diaphragmatic Aspiration Techniques (TAD): All exercises are performed in supine or lateral decubitus and in decline under expiratory apnea conditions, associated with postural manipulation of the diaphragm and ventilation with pure oxygen, under abdominal manometric control and recording of the blood pressure, heart rate variability and optionally under electromyographic observation. Tension Transfer Techniques (TTT): All exercises performed in a hypopressive posture in expiratory apnea, associated with a postural tensioning of antigravity muscle groups through the energy pumping technique, with oxygen therapy, under abdominal manometric control and optionally, simultaneously using electrostimulation or vibratory neuromuscular stimulation. They are used mainly in muscular tonic dysfunctions such as respiratory dystonia, vesico-sphincteric or ano-rectal dyssynergia, severe hypotonia of the abdomino-perineal girdle, postural asymmetry, etc.). TTTs also include a specific program for delivery to facilitate the descent of the fetal mobile and the expulsion phase. Fitness and Sport Destined to improve physically and sportively improve posture and prevent hernias, reduce waist circumference, improve sexual function, prevent urinary incontinence, increase sports performance, etc. Currently there are different types of techniques in Fitness and Sport.

Associated techniques: Reprocessing Soft Fitness: Dynamic Hypopressives, Hypopressive Sex, Hypopressives in a couple, Hypopressives dance. Reprocessing Speed ​​Fitness: Explosive Hypopressives, Fight Hypopressives.


Hypopressive techniques are performed through complex rhythmic physical exercises of body reprogramming that allow the cerebral nervous system to modify the body and emotional scheme, and which have the common characteristic of achieving a decrease in intra-abdominal pressure (approximately 50 mmHg) . The diagnostic tests and the first sessions must be carried out with a professional Certified in Hypopressive Method M. Caufriez, until the client / patient integrates the technique correctly and is able to perform it on their own or in a group, the techniques are complex so if they are not done correctly and under the supervision of a qualified specialist they can give totally different results than expected. The professional will make a general assessment of the person’s state of health to detect possible conditioning factors or make the appropriate recommendations in each case to ensure the effectiveness of the exercise. Find out where to train the M. Caufriez Hypopressive Method.


The muscles of the abdominal girdle and the pelvic floor due to the constant increases in abdominal pressure in daily life and sports, inactivity, pregnancy, … lose the function for which it is designed, which is to exercise of support of the internal organs located in the same. With hypopressive exercises, we return this function by reprogramming the muscular response to these circumstances. Increases muscle tone at rest, which is sustained and involuntary muscle contraction. Decreasing the waist circumference. It improves the response since it gives central support in front of the activities that demand strength.

Time required

Although it depends on the starting situation of each person, it usually lasts about two months and can reach six, although it requires that the exercises be carried out correctly and constantly, about 20 minutes, two days a week in the first month and every day or four to five days in the next would be enough. The reprogramming ends when the Professional Diploma in the Hypopressive Method Marcel Caufriez performs the tests with the expected result. From now on, only periodic maintenance will be necessary. IN TWO MONTHS, BIG BENEFITS FOR YOUR ABDOMEN!


by Abdullah Sam
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