Hermann Bondi

Hermann Bondi . Austrian physicist, mathematician and astronomer ..


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  • 1 Studios
  • 2 The cosmological theory
    • 1 Steady state model
  • 3 Source


He studied in Vienna and Cambridge and specialized in theoretical physics and astronomy . Professor of mathematics at Cambridge University and King’s College London , he was director of the European Organization for Space Research , later to become the European Space Agency.

Cosmological theory

In 1948 he proposed, in collaboration with the astronomer American Thomas Gold and British Fred Hoyle , the cosmological theory known as the steady state, opposed to the theory of the Big Bang , which is now accepted by most specialists. According to steady state theory, the universe, despite being expanding, has a constant average density of matter; the decrease in density caused by the expansion would be compensated by a continuous creation of matter.

Steady State Model

In contrast to the theory of the Big Bang , the steady state model was unable to give a convincing explanation of the radiation microwave background, discovered in 1965 , and was gradually cornered by the scientific community. Among Hermann Bondi’s works, it is necessary to highlight Cosmology ( 1952 ), in which he compared his hypothesis with other cosmological models.


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