Heart disease

Heart disease : The heart is the motor that moves blood within the body. It is a tremendously vital and necessary organ for the health of the organism so that the diseases that affect it have a serious character. These conditions represent a quarter of the deaths that occur worldwide.Cardiovascular problems


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  • 1 Current situation of the problem
  • 2 Purpose
  • 3 Objectives
  • 4 Actions and methodology for its implementation
  • 5 Control and evaluation
  • 6 Surveillance
  • 7 Sources
  • 8 External links

Current situation of the problem

It constitutes the first cause of mortality and the third of potential years of life lost in the country. Slightly downward secular trend. Ischemic heart disease is the most important component, since approximately 80% of all deaths from these causes are concentrated in it. Myocardial infarction in 1997 represented more than 68% of all deaths from ischemic heart disease.


Reduce the death rate from Heart Disease by 20% for the year 2000. Reduce the case fatality rate by IMA to 15% in our hospitals. Reduce out-of-hospital mortality to 43%. Reduce premature mortality to 21 x 100,000 hb under 65 years of age.


Reduce the rate of morbidity and mortality from Heart Disease Reduce the lethality from Acute Myocardial Infarction.


Actions and methodology for its implementation

Promotion of healthy lifestyles that take precedence over risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Identification and periodic control of people exposed to cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, alcoholism, physical inactivity and inadequate diet). Guarantee the quality of medical care in the emergency services with the highest ranking in its evaluation.

Control and evaluation

This program will be evaluated on a quarterly basis, with emphasis on the aspects of promotion, prevention and quality of medical care .


Indicators of morbidity, mortality, lethality, risk factors and monitoring of intervention actions.

by Abdullah Sam
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