What happens after death according to the teachings of Islam

Dear Sir: I am trying to make a list of things to do before I die and would you like some suggestions? Could you comment on what Islam says about death?

For those who are not familiar with the teachings of Islam, we should perhaps cover some basic concepts before attempting to answer that question honestly and deeply.

There is a small chapter at the end of the Holy Qur’an called “Al Asr” which has a very strong meaning and can solve many of the problems related to the issues of human life and death. Consider the approximate translation.

“For the time! Certainly, the human being is at a loss. Except those who believe and do good works and mutually recommend the truth, and mutually recommend patience. ” [Holy Quran 103: 1-3]

  1. Allah takes an oath of great consequence.
    2. What “Hell” means as a result of your actions during life on earth.
    3. Unity of God (Tawhid or monotheism).
    4. Here “Truth” means anything and everything related to pure monotheism.

The previous quote in the Qur’an and the verses related to it, Muslim scholars concluded the following: We are all born with a purpose to be fulfilled before death – Worship only the true God, according to His terms and conditions. We are all born with a purpose to be fulfilled before death – Worship of the one true God, alone and in terms and conditions.

“And I didn’t create jinns and humans except to worship Me.” [Holy Quran 51:56]

We will all die and be in the grave.

“Every soul will experience death …” [Holy Quran 29:57]

All of us (believers and non-believers) will be recreated (resurrected) on the day of judgment . The Qur’an says:

“… Certainly, we are from Allah and, surely, we will return to Him. ”[Holy Quran 2: 156]

 “Do these not think that they will be resurrected, In a formidable day? One day, when humans will rise up, to stand before the Lord of the worlds? ” [Holy Quran 83: 4-5-6]

Each person will receive their “Book of Record” (list of all their acts).

“They don’t think at all! Certainly, the book of the wicked is in Sijjīn (written record). ” [Holy Quran 83: 7]

And God says:

“Then, those whose weights in good works are heavy, these will be the blessed ones. And those, whose weights are light, they will lose themselves; will be eternal in Geena. ” [Holy Quran 23: 102-10 3 ]

Each person will be responsible for what he or she did. And God says:

“So whoever has done an atomic weight of good will see it. And whoever has done an atomic weight of evil will see it. ” [Holy Quran 99: 7-8]

No one will take sins or punishments for anyone else.

“Allah imposes no soul on anyone but his capacity. What was good for her and what was bad for her… ”[Holy Quran 2: 286]

No one can intercede with God unless He wants to.

“Who can intercede with Him, without His consent? ”[Holy Quran 2: 255]

The final destination of Heaven or Hell will soon be known.

“In truth, you will see Hell!” [Holy Quran 102: 6]

No one will enter Paradise, except for the Mercy of God.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:


No one will enter the fire, except those who won it.

“Then, I admonish you for a Fire that flames. Only the most unfortunate will be burned in it. ” [Holy Quran 92: 14-15]

Death is like a journey to a land from which there is no going back. So, before you die, make sure you take three things with you:

  • Proper identification – ID
  • Enough food to last forever.
  • Sufficient clothing and clothing.

The proper ID for before death: (A person’s life record book)

This covers two very important categories:

  • Faith (belief)
  • Actions (practical)

Both must be correct to ensure an easy transition to the next life and a good place in paradise in the hereafter.

Let us begin with the commitment of faith to the One True God and the dedication of the Acts of worship to Him Alone without partners. This means anyone who understands: “He is not only the only and true God, he is the only Creator, Sustainer and the God of all that exists”. This can be understood as “Unity” or Tawhid of Islam.

It can be better understood when we divide it into the following three categories:

  • Oneness of the Lordship [Tawhid Al-Uluhiyyah]
  • Oneness in Worship [Tawhid Al-Uluhiyyah]
  • Uniqueness of Names and Attributes [Tawhid Al-Asma ‘was-Sifat]

Correct beliefs

Three things are asked at the time of death:

Question: Who is your Lord?
Only Acceptable Answer: Allah

Question: What is your religion?
Only Acceptable Answer: Islam

Question: Who is your prophet?
Only Acceptable Answer: Muhammad ﷺ

You will immediately find those who argue that this is not fair. After all, Muhammad ﷺ, was sent by Allah with the message of Islam just 1,400 years ago. So, what about all those who lived before him? What about those who came after and never heard of God, Islam and Muhammad ﷺ?

And the answer is quite simple. Islam is the only true religion brought by all the prophets of Almighty God [Allah] . Everyone preached a message of total surrender to the One and True God of the Universe. If the person lived the life of “Surrender, submission and obedience to the Almighty, with sincerity and peace”; So, in fact, they lived like true Muslims without knowing Arabic terms.

This means that all followers of all the prophets of Almighty God from Adam to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad – peace be upon them all – will find that the correct answers to these questions have been provided when asked.

After the angel of death removes the soul from the body, the angels will take the soul of the deceased to heaven and when they come to God the Most High, he will reject anyone who is not in possession of the Correct Answers [mentioned above]. After questioning, the person’s soul will be reunited with his corpse and will spend the rest of his time waiting until the Day of Judgment.

Food: (appropriate actions)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, taught his followers:


Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“Charity is a necessity for all Muslims.” He was asked, “What if a person has nothing?” The Prophet replied: “He must work with his own hands for his benefit and then give something of such gains in charity”. The Prophet’s Companions asked, “What if he can’t work?” The Prophet said: “He must help the poor and needy”. The Companions still asked, “What if he can’t do that too?” The Prophet said, “He must ask others to do good.” The Companions said, “What if he doesn’t?” The Prophet said: “He must refrain from doing evil. This is also an act of charity ”.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:


And said:


Acts of charity and kindness are performed only for the sake of the Almighty. These good deeds will accompany the person throughout his life in the grave until the day of judgment. On judgment day, everyone will see their actions clearly.

There are two angels that record all the actions and acts of the individual from birth to death. The angel on the right records all good deeds, while the angel on the left records all bad deeds.

As soon as the person intends to do a good thing, a good deed is recorded for him or her.
After doing the good deed, ten complete good deeds are recorded for the person (or 70 or 700 or as much as Allah wants).

If a person encourages others to do a good deed, then a corresponding reward is recorded for whoever is encouraging the good deed.

Another angel on the left, records all of the person’s bad deeds as follows:
If the person intends to do a bad deed, but abstains because he or she knows it is wrong, then a complete good deed is recorded for him.

If the person intends to do an evil or a bad action, but does not have the means to commit it, then nothing is recorded in any way.

If the person does a bad deed, the angel on the left starts recording a bad deed in his ‘Book of Records’, but the angel on the right stops him and asks him to wait and see if the person will repent. After a while, the angel on the left again begins to record bad action, but again the angel on the right stops him with the same argument. This continues for a while and if the person refuses to seek forgiveness from the Almighty, then a complete bad deed is recorded in their account.

Any time a person commits a bad deed, he or she must immediately seek forgiveness from the Almighty and accompany the bad deed with a good deed.

In addition, when a person performs mandatory prayers in time according to the teachings of Islam, all sins committed between after the last and most recent prayers are forgiven.

When a person comes to Friday’s prayer according to the teachings of Islam, he / she is forgiven for all sins committed during the previous week since the previous Friday’s prayer.

When a person makes the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhul Hijjah on the Islamic calendar, all sins from birth are forgiven and the record is cleared for a new beginning. All previous good deeds remain on record.

In the case of those who embrace Islam, all their sins are forgiven and cleansed and all previous actions are kept in their place. The person is considered as pure and innocent as a newborn baby, but with the exception that all acts previously committed, whether bad or good, are purified to become mountains of good deeds for the newcomer to Islam.

Clothing: (Moral and Behavior)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said – in a Qudsi- account that Allah said:

“He who harasses one of My servants is at war with me. My servant will never (as much) approach Me with something that I like as when approaching with what I prescribed as mandatory. And if My servant continues to approach Me through optional practices (prayers, fasting, charity), the time will come when I will love Him. And, in loving him, I will be his ears with which he heard, the sight with which he sees, his hands with which he works, and his legs with which he walks and if he asks me for something, I will give him ; and if I seek refuge in Me, I will grant it to you. ”

by Abdullah Sam
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