Hand Down | What does this phrasal verb mean?

You may have come across phrasal verb to hand down . You may have seen a phrase like Oral traditions are handed down from generation to generation or the report title Maximum sentence handed down in assault case. Oddly enough, to hand down has nothing to do with the expression hands down . The similarity between both happens only because the two originate in gestures made – downwards – with the hands. But then, what the hell do you mean to hand down ?

Come on. Alone, the verb to hand means “to give, transmit, pass, with (or as if with) the hand.” Hand me that book, will you? “Will you give me that book?” In the case of to hand down , imagine the gesture of someone reaching down to pass something to a person who is placed below him. Figuratively, this is what happens when a previous generation, an ancestor, or a predecessor, leaves something for a later generation, a descendant or a successor. Someone in a “higher” position passes something to someone who is in a “lower” position. Right? Well, that’s where the first meaning of to hand down comes from : “bequeath, transmitting as an inheritance”.

But this idea of ​​someone who is above giving something to someone who is below does not stop there; it is also present in the second meaning of to hand down . Imagine a judge or a court announcing a sentence. The judge / court is hierarchically above those who hear the verdict, right? And that is the second meaning of to hand down : “announce / deliver a verdict / sentence / conviction etc”.

Here it is. To hand down means a) “bequeath, transmit as an inheritance” and b) “announce, render a sentence, verdict, etc.”.

Now let’s see some examples of these two meanings? And then, how about using Anki to record this new acquisition well in your vocabulary?

1 – “Legate”, “transmit as an inheritance”, “pass”.

Songs are handed down from mother to daughter.
Songs are passed from mother to daughter.

It used to belong to my father, but before he passed away he handed it down to me.
It used to belong to my father, but before he passed away he bequeathed it to me.

The techniques have been handed down to successive generations.
The techniques were passed on to successive generations.

The songs were handed down in special hand-copied notebooks.
The songs were transmitted in special notebooks, copied by hand.

This is a Ukrainian folk heritage handed down from their parents.
This is a Ukrainian folk heritage left by their parents.

2 – “Announce”, “utter a sentence or verdict”, “decree”.

It was the most liberal decision ever handed down by a football authority.
It was the most liberal decision ever enacted by a football authority.

He had done some work experience and had just started college when his sentence was handed down .
He had had some work experience and had just started college when his sentence was announced .

We think it’s a good time to revisit a fascinating hour we spent with her last July just days after her sentence had been handed down .
We think it is a good time to revisit a fascinating hour that we spent with her last July, just days after her sentence was announced .

In Cambodia, sentences are handed down with convictions.
In Cambodia, sentences are handed down with convictions.

Tougher sentences are being handed down these days.
Tighter sentences are being passed these days.

If you enjoyed learning the meanings of to hand down , share, comment and help pass on this legacy to future generations.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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