Green beans.How many know that they are LEGUMES?

Green beans are legumes! Exactly like beans, chickpeas, peas. Many are convinced that they fall into the vegetable category, but in reality the only difference with the beans is that of the green beans we do not consume only the seed (the legume) but the whole pod, that is the part similar to the vegetable (the pod that wraps the seeds) and the seeds themselves contained inside.

Less calories than other legumes, green beans contain around 20 calories per 100 grams. Consider that 100g of zucchini bring 16 colors. The problem is that 100g of green beans is a quantity that we easily surpass all! Therefore it is good to remember, when we take them, that we are eating legumes and not vegetables.

In addition: they are rich in beneficial properties: in fact, they contain vitamins, fibers and mineral salts, such as manganese, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. Vitamins A and B6, together with the numerous antioxidants contained in green beans, contribute to delaying aging.

Green beans Green beans have numerous beneficial properties for the body: in fact, these are legumes that can be found on market stalls, right in the summer. It is good not to cook the beans too long, as they can lose the precious nutrients they contain: you can cook them in a little water, covering the pot with a lid.

Green beans are rich in beneficial properties: in fact, they contain vitamins, fibers and mineral salts, such as manganese, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. Vitamins A and B6, together with the numerous antioxidants contained in green beans, contribute to delaying aging.Green beans are also capable of balancing blood cholesterol levels and also contain folic acid.Thanks to the content of vitamin C, green beans are excellent for strengthening the body’s immune defenses and bringing benefits for its health.

Green beans also improve the health of the intestine and this thanks to the fibers contained in them: these, in fact, improve its functioning and help protect it from inflammations that can affect the intestinal tract. They are suitable for those suffering from constipation: in this regard, it is essential to drink lots of water.

They are recommended for those suffering from gastritis, diabetes and anemia, thanks to the content of iron and vitamin K: the latter is also useful in the prevention of osteoporosis Finally, green beans are able to reduce stress – thanks to the Vitamin B6 content – and boast excellent diuretic properties.

The 9 benefits of green beans for our health:

  1. They protect cells from free radicals, given the high levels of vitamins A and C;
  2. They counteract water retention thanks to the presence of potassium;
  3. They stimulate intestinal transit due to the abundance of fibers they contain;
  4. They have few calories, so they can be consumed in a regime aimed at weight loss;
  5. They relieve gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux, being a very digestible food they are indicated to improve the acid-base balance of the organism;
  6. They have a low glycemic index: with the glycemic index we mean the rate at which blood glucose levels increase after a meal;
  7. Strengthen the immune system, thanks to the presence of vitamin C;
  8. They help prevent osteoporosis, thanks to the presence of vitamin K;

They promote the formation of collagen: vitamin C, together with vitamin K , play an important role in its formation

by Abdullah Sam
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