Grammar analysis: how to do it

How to do the grammar analysis: here is the guide that explains what it is, what the parts of a speech are and how they are analyzed. All about noun, pronoun, adjective, verbs, article and more

Grammar analysis: guide, exercises and more – Source: Istock



How is grammar analysis done? All students, at least once in their school career, will have to face grammar analysis exercises. The first thing to know is what grammar analysis is. This term is indicating the bind operation of each word in a sentence to the corresponding part of speech . To do the exercises correctly (also present in the Invalsi tests of Italian in eighth grade!) Each part of the speech must be precisely defined by distinguishing its morphological, gender and number properties and linking it to the other elements of the proposition. Here is what needs to be established for each of the parts of the speech.

The parts of the speech in the Italian language are nine:

  • verb
  • adjective
  • noun
  • pronoun
  • item
  • preposition
  • adverb
  • interjection
  • conjunction


How to do the logical analysis




The noun, the article, the adjective, the pronoun and the verb are considered variable parts of the speech , as they can undergo an inflection within the sentence depending on the gender and number for the first four; of the way, the time, the person and the number for the last.

They are invariable parts of speech ‘s adverb , the preposition , the conjunction and the’ interjection , as they never undergo changes in the sentence but have a single form.

Logical analysis: all complements


Most common Italian mistakes. Find out which ones are to avoid them



Grammar analysis: example

Any noun can be classified according to several aspects:

  • form: primitive (it does not derive from any other word: for example: milk) or derivative (milkman), altered (shoe), compound (safe);
  • meaning: concrete (table) or abstract (idea), common (apple) or proper (Andrea), individual (teacher) or collective (people);
  • gender:masculine (watch), feminine (pear);
  • number: singular (ring), plural (rings).




Any article can be classified according to several aspects:

  • type: determinative (il, lo, la, i, gli, le), indefinite (un, one, one), partitive (of, of, of, of, of, of);
  • gender: masculine (il, lo, i, gli, un, one, of, of, gods, of), feminine (la, le, una, della, delle);
  • number: singular (il, lo, la, un, one, one, of, of, of).

Not to be missed: Main concepts of Italian grammar



Any adjective can be classified according to different aspects ( go to description, properties and classification ):

  • category: qualifying (positive, comparative or superlative. The comparative in turn is subdivided into comparative of majority, minority or equality. The superlative is subdivided into absolute or relative superlative), determinative (possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, interrogative, exclamation or numeral );
  • structure: primitive, derivative, altered, compound;
  • gender: masculine, feminine;
  • number: singular, plural.




Any pronoun can be classified according to different aspects: ( go to the summary sheet on the pronoun )

  • category: personal, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, interrogative, relative or exclamation;
  • gender: masculine, feminine;
  • persona(referring to personal pronouns);
  • number: singular, plural.

SOS LOGICAL ANALYSIS: Logical analysis: all complements



Any verb can be classified according to several aspects:

  • gender: transitive (active, passive or reflexive diathesis. Reflexive diathesis is subdivided into proper, apparent and reciprocal diathesis), intransitive (active or pronominal diathesis);
  • function: auxiliary, predicative, copulative, supportive (servile, aspectual, causative, phraseological);
  • conjugation: regular (in Italian there are 3 different types of conjugation: -are, -ere, -ire), impersonal, irregular;
  • mode: simple indicative (present, imperfect, remote past, future), compound indicative (perfect past, perfect past tense, remote past tense, previous future), simple subjunctive (present, imperfect), compound subjunctive (past, past perfect), simple conditional ( present), compound conditional (past), imperative (present), simple infinitive (present), compound infinitive (past), simple gerund (present), compound gerund (past), simple participle (present), compound participle (past);
  • person(first, second, third);
  • number(singular, plural).




Any adverb can be classified according to several aspects:

  • type: adverb, adverbial phrase;
  • qualifying: of fashion;
  • determinative: of time, place, quality, questioning, evaluation (affirmation, negation, doubt, addition);
  • degree: positive, comparative, superlative.

Focus: Adverbs: types and examples



Any preposition can be classified according to several aspects:

  • proper preposition (of, to, from, in, with, on, for, between, between): simple, articulated;
  • improper preposition;
  • prepositional phrase.


Any conjunction can be classified according to several aspects:

  • simple conjunction;
  • compound conjunction;
  • conjunctive phrase;
  • function: coordinative (copulative, additional, disjunctive, aversive, declarative, conclusive, correlative), subordinative (declarative, temporal, causal, final, conditional , consecutive, comparative, exception, concessive, modal, aversive, interrogative or doubtful, limiting, exclusive ).
by Abdullah Sam
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