Golf It! Tricks for PC

Mini-golf video games have always been characterized by being easy to play but very difficult in case you want to master them. Golf It! is a clear example of this. Being competitive in this title and completing the holes with a low number of strokes is a challenge.


  1. Wait for the rivals to hit
  2. Strike force
  3. Take advantage of the ‘friendly fire’
  4. Soil physics
  5. Watch out for shortcuts

To make things easier for you, we have compiled several tricks with which you will be able to beat your opponents, regardless of whether you face the AI ​​or choose to take advantage of the fun multiplayer mode.

Wait for the rivals to hit

Precisely speaking of the modality that faces you against other gamers, it is common for users to want to complete each hole first. This can be used as a trick. How? Basically observing how the ball responds in the scenario in question.

Each hole is different, which added to the physics of the small ball can give rise to a hit that seems simple is not at all, deviating the trajectory for one reason or another. That is why it is advisable to wait a little before expending a blow hastily.

Do not rush: wait a few seconds, giving the opponents time to make their first blows. This way you will see exactly which path to follow , as well as finding out the force that should be applied to the ball so that it goes directly to the hole.

In multiplayer, as long as you complete the hole in less than two minutes – or the stipulated time – it does not matter to be the first or the last to do it. What is relevant is the number of strokes you need to do so.

Strike force

There are many holes in Golf It! in which you have to do a kind of jump to avoid a part of the stage where there is water. Calculating well from the beginning is not easy. In fact, you are likely to make a mistake and start adding hits one after another.

To prevent this from happening to you, check exactly where you place the club when giving speed to the ball. If it goes excessively strong you will know that you will have to reduce the power a little, and vice versa. This task is complicated if you do not observe precisely what force you give to each hit.

A good trick to see the exact trajectory of the miniature golf club is to reduce the zoom level. Otherwise, when you hit a very strong blow, perspective will prevent you from observing the total trajectory.

Take advantage of the ‘friendly fire’

In most games, your ball goes through everyone else’s. However it is not always so. To bring even more fun to gamers, the developers of Golf It! allow to activate collisions .

Taking advantage of it is in your hands, although of course you must be careful . And it is that the trick that we will describe next maybe your enemies will try to put it into practice, so anticipate it.

We refer to hitting the ball of that player who takes fewer strokes than you in the holes. Yes, you too will lose one by simply hitting it without getting close to the hole on the stage, but if you do it right you may push yourself in the right direction and even ruin the current hole by throwing it into the water .

Soil physics

Before making a hit, take into account what type of ground it is going to be executed on. It is not the same to hit the ball located on the grass than to do it in a snow scene .

It is precisely in the latter that ice roads abound . The ball slides a lot and prolongs the trajectory, so the best possible trick is simply to put little force on the ball so as not to overdo it.

Watch out for shortcuts

Both some of the game’s own scenarios and certain holes created by the community have many details. It is important that, before starting to hit, take a look around you . In this way you may find out the existence of some other shortcut.

Of course, taking advantage of them is not easy. And it is that in most cases, if you hit too hard or too weak, you will fall and lose a blow or even more. Quite the opposite will happen if the shortcut is used perfectly, which will be a great advantage in the form of Birdie, Eagle or Albatross.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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