Get the dog to obey when we order it

It is important to teach our dog to obey when we tell him to; The dog that does not obey its master can be a serious problem, especially if we live in urban areas, keep in mind that it must learn to live with other animals; Furthermore, if you do not attend the call, you can easily get lost or be the victim of being run over or other types of accidents. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the command “come” or “here”.

For this exercise we will use a snack, which will help us to attract the dog’s attention, we will bring it closer to inspect it and we will withdraw a few meters, thus we will get the dog to approach, at the same time that we introduce the command “come” or ” here ”, we will reward you by getting the dog to associate the award with the behavior of approaching us after receiving the call. We will repeat the exercise until the dog becomes familiar with it and, consequently, obeys the call. Later we will reduce the prize that we provide and replace it with caresses.

It is important not to use this training program in negative situations for the dog, for example, calling him to punish him or to suddenly cut off his fun, since he will assimilate the behavior as something unpleasant and we will not be able to carry out the learning in the dog to a good end.

Unlike other trainings in which the animal needs to be of a certain age to carry them out, in this case, on the other hand, it can be started at an early age, since puppies tend to come and follow people, in any case , it is necessary that it be done in an isolated place so that it is more centered; A toy of his liking will make our work easier, to the extent that the dog will want to capture it at all times, especially if we show it to him and let him sniff it, but without giving it to him. We will verify that if we throw it at a certain point, the dog will go, most of the time, after the object and once captured, it will be time to call it to return it to us, rewarding its behavior with a snack of its liking, thus We will also get him to give up the object for a few moments and not evade with it.

Another very useful way for the dog to relate the command “come” is to call it when the call is preceded by a pleasant behavior, for example, at meal times, if it is done repeatedly we will get a good education in our dog.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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