Gentian violet

Gentian violet . It is the name given to a group of chemical compounds used as pH indicators and dyes.


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  • 1 Administration
  • 2 benefits
  • 3 For candidiasis
  • 4 Adverse effects
  • 5 Chemical composition
  • 6 Traditional use
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Sources


It is used as a disinfectant for external use. It can be applied 2 to 3 times a day. It should be applied on the oral mucosa or on clean skin. It should be used for 3 days in a row if after this time the symptoms persist or worsen, you should consult your doctor. Over 60 years There is no special recommendation for the elderly . The use of this medicine during pregnancy has not been observed to cause harm to the fetus. The use of this medicine during lactation has not been observed to cause harm to the child.

The use of this medicine in children should be after consulting your pediatrician. If after a few days, your symptoms do not improve or worsen, you should consult your doctor. When using in infants, on the lining of the mouth, it is recommended that after applying the medication, the infant be placed on its stomach to minimize the possibility of swallowing the medication.


The beneficial properties of gentian violet for health are multiple and varied. More and more we are turning to herbalism as a remedy for many health problems . And it is that nature gives us the possibility of healing, without taking medications. In we tell you what are the benefits of gentian violet. And discover another natural way to take care of yourself.

For yeast infection

Gentian Violet is a biological dye that is used in a 1% solution diluted in water to fight fungal infections . It has very effective antifungal properties and works quickly to combat candida .

Adverse effects

If applied to wounds, large areas of the skin or applied with a bandage, there is the possibility of greater absorption and the appearance of adverse effects. Wash with plenty of water. You should go to a health center to assess the severity of the poisoning and treat it properly, carrying the container of the medicine you have taken.

Chemical composition

Gentian violet is a local antiseptic that belongs to the group of basic bactericidal tinctures and is composed of: Tannic acid: Promotes wound healing, as it accelerates the healing process.

  • Phenol : Locally it has antiseptic, bactericidal and fungicidal action. In bacteria it causes damage to cellular permeability and protein coagulation. The presence of organic matter does not decrease its potency.
  • Pine oil : Acts as a repellent for blood-sucking insects.
  • Ethyl alcohol : It has an affinity for the lipoid parts of the germ and destroys the lipid cover of the cell membrane.

Traditional use

Some of the uses that gentian violet is given are for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections. The most common of them is the thrush. Yeast infection is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of Candida yeast. Commonly found in babies, yeast infection is characterized by thick white patches on the tongue and scaly painful diaper rash. To treat the push, gentian violet is painted on the baby’s tongue several times a day. Nursing mothers can also paint their nipples with gentian violet to prevent reinfection of the thrush from contact with the baby’s mouth.


by Abdullah Sam
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