Frequently pronunciations mistakes in English!

We have frequent pronunciation errors in English (frequently pronounced mistakes in English) caused mainly by words with the same pronunciation. How to recognize them?

English is a Language with so many influences since its born, this is one of the reason that a lot of words have the same sound with the different spelling. Let’s learn how to avoid the frequent mistakes caused for this. / The English is a language with many influences from birth, this is one of the reasons why many words have the same sound with different writing. We will learn how to avoid the mistakes so frequent that are caused by these influences.

There are some particularities in English Language about its spelling and pronunciation, in this article we’re going to talk about some examples of pronunciations that can cause doubts and consequently, mistakes. There are some peculiarities in the English language about its writing and pronunciation, in this article we will talk about some examples of pronunciation that can cause doubts and, consequently, errors.

The most frequent mistakes with pronunciation are: / The most frequent pronunciation errors are:

Red x Head (pronunciation: Réd – Rred)

Red is a color. / Red is a color.

Eg. My dress is red . / Ex. My dress is red.

Head is a part of the body. / Head is a part of the body.

Eg. Look his head ! / Ex. Look at his head!

Eye x I (pronunciation: Ái)

Eye is a part of the body. Eg. I have brown eyes . / Eye is a part of the body. Ex. I have blue eyes.

” I” is a personal pronoun. Eg. I , You, He, We, are personal pronouns ./ “I” (eu) is a personal pronoun. Ex. Me, you, him, us, are personal pronouns.

Loose x lose (pronunciation: luuze – lúze)

Loose is an adjective that means bagged, untied. Eg. Your trousers are so loose. / Loose (Largo) is an adjective that means, wide, loose. Ex. Your pants are loose.

Lose is a verb, that means something is missing. Eg. We lose the game ./ Lose is a verb and means that something has been lost. Ex. We lost the game.

Then x Than x Them (pronunciation: Denn – Denn – Deem)

Then can mean: at that time, next, or after something has happened and because of that. Eg. Let me talk to you, then you can go . / Then (then, after, after) can mean time, next, or after something has happened. Ex. Let me talk to you, then you can go.

Than is used in comparison situation. Eg. I have more pencils than you . / Than is used in comparison situations. Ex. I have more pencils than you.

Them is a pronoun and it means the group of people or animals or things that have already been mentioned before. Eg. I’m looking for my parents. – Have you seen them? / Them (they) is a pronoun and means a group of people, animals or things that have been mentioned before. Ex. I’m looking for my parents. 

by Abdullah Sam
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