Who were the Founding Fathers of the United States?

The Founding Fathers refer to those accredited to obtain the independence of the United States of America. These seven men, originally from the 13 colonies in the United States, worked to promote the American Revolution against British colonialism and are responsible for creating some of the most important documents in this country today, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the States US. Each individual listed below has also helped form the first US government.

7. George Washington

George Washington is best known as the first president of the new independent nation. Before maintaining this position, however, he served military service from 1752 to 1758. The following year, the voting population in Virginia elected him to be part of the Virginia House of Burgesses, where he began to speak out against the British colonial powers. He was also a member of the First Continental Congress and was recruited to lead the Continental Army against British troops during the American Revolutionary War. As commander in chief, Washington led the army to several victories that eventually won the war. This victory made him a popular figure in all the colonies and was elected as the first president, with a vote of 69 out of 0 voters.

  1. James Madison

James Madison played an important role in writing the United States Constitution and is often referred to as the father of the Constitution. Prior to creating most of this important foundation document, Madison was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, the Virginia Convention, the Continental Congress, and the Virginia State Council. He is also responsible for the formation of the Constitutional Congress, which met from May to September 1787 to negotiate the details of the final version of the United States Constitution. After writing this document, he worked with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay to publish the Federalist Papers, which were used to convince the 13 colonies to agree with the final version. Furthermore,

  1. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson is considered a Founding Father for his role in writing the Declaration of Independence as a member of the Committee of Five. He was responsible for drafting the original draft, which was presented to the Continental Congress for examination. Like the other Founding Fathers, Jefferson was also a politician in the Chamber of the Burgesses, the Continental Congress and the House of Delegates. Also, he was the governor of Virginia. After gaining independence, George Washington appointed Jefferson as the first secretary of state. He went on to become the second vice president and the third president of the United States.


4. John Jay

John Jay represented the United States at the signing of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the American revolutionary war. Furthermore, he was one of the key authors of the Federalist Papers, which served to convince the original colonies to vote in favor of the constitution change. Prior to these actions, Jay was involved in the independence movement when he joined the New York correspondence committee. He then became a delegate in the First and Second Continental Congress, although he resigned from the Second Continental Congress due to his refusal to sign the Declaration of Independence. He was opposed to taking military action to gain independence. President George Washington named him first US chief judge after refusing to accept the appointment as secretary of state.

3. Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton was involved with the American revolution when he joined a group of militants while studying at King’s College in New York. This militia continued to fight in the American revolutionary war and Hamilton became a lieutenant and captain in the army. He also held the unofficial position of chief of staff under President George Washington, and was later elected to serve as a New York delegate on the Constitutional Convention. In an effort to convince the colonies to ratify the constitution, Hamilton worked with James Madison and John Jay to write the Federalist Papers, a collection of persuasive essays 85. In 1789, Washington chose Hamilton as the first secretary of the treasury. In this position,

2. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was more than a founding father of the United States; it is also known for its lasting impact on the fields of diplomacy, literature, political science and science. He was involved in politics in 1751, when he was elected to serve in the Pennsylvania assembly, where he worked to promote greater autonomy for the colony. Franklin spent 6 years in Britain, trying to negotiate with the British crown and warning them that increasing control over the continental colonies would provoke rebellion. In 1775, he served as a delegate at the Second Continental Congress and continued to collaborate in the creation of the constitution and was one of his signatories. Franklin traveled to France as a diplomat and played a key role in the to obtain French support for the American independence movement. France provided foreign aid to the colonies, which helped them defeat the British army. He remained in France to negotiate the terms of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war. In addition, it played an important role in establishing the United States postal service, enabling communication between cities and colonies at a faster rate.

1. John Adams

Like the aforementioned founding fathers, John Adams was representative of the First and Second Continental Congress. Before this political move, he was a member of the legislature of the Massachusetts colony. Adams was also responsible for appointing George Washington as commander-in-chief of US military forces during the war. He was also a member of the committee that worked together to create the United States Constitution. Adams also spent a period in France as a diplomat with the founding father Benjamin Franklin, returned to work on the Constitutional Convention of Massachusetts, and later returned to France to help negotiate the Treaty of Paris. John Adams became the first vice president of the newly formed nation and later became the second president.

by Abdullah Sam
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