Food and polycystic ovary syndrome

First of all, did you know what food and polycystic ovary syndrome are all about?

You may have heard that polycystic ovary syndrome has purely genetic causes and, to prevent it, there is nothing to be done.

However, there are many cases in which the  polycystic ovary syndrome has much more to do with genetics than with lifestyle.

Only that the consumption of simple carbohydrates and sugars, when they do not cause the problem, can make this condition much worse!

To know the relationship between food and polycystic ovary syndrome, you need to understand how this problem manifests itself and then yes the influence of eating habits.

Keep reading with us!

How is your lifestyle?

Beforehand, for this generalized improvement to happen, it turns out to be fundamental to modify the lifestyle as a whole, through a balanced diet together with the practice of regular physical exercises.

Those suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome need to avoid simple carbohydrates that directly influence insulin action. When this type of food is constant, the estrogen receptors present in the ovaries are stimulated, so undesirable symptoms appear.

ovulation and fertility

Above all, it is known through studies that losing 10% of body weight or 15% of body weight in fat can restore ovulation and fertility, in addition to improving cholesterol levels, blood pressure, insulin resistance and even reduce complaints of excess hair and acne.

In this sense, for women who want to get pregnant , the improvement of all these items will result in an increase and improvement in fertility, promoting an easier pregnancy.

diet for PCOS

At first, this diet should control the intake of carbohydrates, which can represent up to 30% of the energy intake of the day, through roots, tubers and fruits.

Foods naturally rich in fat should also be part of the routine, such as: avocado, coconut, olive oil, vegetable fats, nuts, etc.

Processed, ultra-processed and industrialized foods should be avoided as much as possible, as well as sweeteners, which activate insulin and can cause greater compulsion for sweets.

Attention to certain foods

A woman with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome should give preference to foods that do not contribute to inflammation in the body or negatively impact hormones.

This is the case with organic foods, good quality fats, complex carbohydrates and foods rich in magnesium.

food tips

  • Avoid all forms of sugar and foods that contain it. Be very careful with industrialized products, which contain them in a “camouflaged” way;
  • Avoid refined, white and simple carbohydrates as much as possible, such as bread, pasta, biscuits and industrialized cereals;
  • Exclude soft drinks from your routine, even “diet” or “light” ones. They are rich in sweeteners, capable of raising insulin (although they do not contain calories) and educate the palate to demand increasingly sweet foods, which can worsen the desire for desserts and sweets throughout the day;
  • Consume adequate amounts of protein, but avoid industrialized and processed foods;
  • Don’t exclude fruits from routine!! Give preference to red ones, which are not too sweet (strawberry, raspberry, cherry, blackberry, etc). When eating a fruit with more carbohydrates, be careful to combine it with foods rich in proteins or fats, such as chestnuts, yogurt, cheese;


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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