Five myths about liposuction

Around 12,000 people undergo liposuction each year in Spain, according to the statistical report Aesthetic Surgery in Spain , by the Spanish Society for Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (Secpre). This intervention is the most demanded in our country, behind breast augmentation, and despite the fact that the technique is very safe and has been carried out for many years, there are still many myths about this surgical intervention: the most popular is that it is useful for slim down.

The main purpose of liposuction is to absorb fat present in very localized areas of the body. That is, it is necessary that there is a previous accumulation of fat in some part of the body in order to carry out the intervention. In addition, other essential requirements are that the patient in question is young and with healthy skin so that it is elastic, since the vacuum produced by liposuction can lead to the skin hanging down. Cristino Suárez, president of the Secpre, recommends that patients who are thinking of undergoing this surgery do not have stretch marks or have gained weight and lost considerable weight.

Suárez explains that the main profile of those who undergo this operation is usually the same: “middle-aged men and women with cartridge cases.” It also indicates that there is another very frequent type in the same profile of people that is abdominal liposuction. Sometimes this fat that is removed is injected into other places to highlight the body shape.

In addition, once done, you must take care of eating habits, play sports and remove carbohydrates , among other measures.


Among popular beliefs, some of the most frequent are the following:

1. This technique is useful to lose weight

False. Liposuction, as explained above, can only be done in parts where the fat is highly localized. In other words, patients who want to lose weight have to resort to other types of surgeries.

2. The skin must be healthy

True. It is important that the skins are smooth and young so that they are elastic and do not remain hanging after the vacuum produced by liposuction, as indicated by Suárez.

3. After undergoing liposuction, you don’t get fat again afterwards

False. Yes there is a chance that this will happen.

As explained by the expert from the Secpre, “what occurs is an aspiration of adipocytes, which, once aspirated, do not reproduce again. However, those who have not been sucked can grow again ”. That is, the fat could reproduce again in the area where it was located.

4. New techniques are more advantageous

Lie. They can even lead to more complications. Techniques like ultrasound, laser liposuction, or cryolipolysis are no better than liposuction.

5. Price doesn’t matter

Lie. It is important to use a qualified plastic surgeon in a hospital. Avoid excessively low prices, which could be a sign of poor quality.


The specialist recommends that patients resort to a qualified surgeon in this field in addition to being very clear about the decision to be made, since it is a surgical operation that carries risks.

Some of these complications occur when very large liposuctions are performed, since mobilizing so much fat can be absorbed through the vein and pulmonary embolisms can occur, although it is not frequent.


by Abdullah Sam
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