Five keys to discover if your child suffers from any type of hearing loss

The sense of hearing is one of the most important of the human being. Correct hearing is one of the fundamental aspects in the social, emotional and cognitive development of the person, so their development and protection from childhood is key to ensuring that children have adequate growth. This is because we hear with the brain, not with the ears, that is, it is the ear that captures sounds, but it is the brain that processes and interprets them.

Taking into account the relevance of the sense of hearing in the child’s social life and in his social and school development, an early diagnosis of hearing loss favors the child’s evolution naturally allowing the maturation of the auditory nerve and the organization of the hearing system. auditory processing of the brain.

The hearing loss in a child can have several causes; in particular congenital causes, those that are already present at birth or soon after, or acquired causes, that is, those that end up manifesting during childhood, throughout their growth.

Genetic factors account for about 40% of cases according to the WHO; In the other factors, there are infections both from the mother during pregnancy and from the child itself (rubella, meningitis, mumps or measles); Also otitis, very common among children, can lead to hearing loss. Of course the intense or high intensity sounds continuously, and finally certain medications.

Taking these causes into account, hearing loss can be identified at very young ages , even after birth, which is when early hearing loss programs are carried out. But in other cases, hearing loss develops throughout the child’s growth. For this reason, the period of development is the one in which it is advisable to be more attentive and observe the rate of development.

With this, the Oticon team recommends taking into account a series of guidelines that can alert you to the existence of an audiological problem:

  1. In his first yearthe child does not turn his head, nor does he react bodily or by following with his gaze, to familiar sounds such as the voice of his parents.
  2. Between the ages of 2 and 3, the child does not understand or respond to simple orders without visual help; likewise, the child is not capable of repeating sentences.
  3. Up to the age of 5,the child is not able to carry on a simple conversation, either at school or at home with their relatives.
  4. During conversations,the child constantly and frequently repeats the question ‘what?’.
  5. Both at home and at school the child shows a lack of frequent attentionand lack of concentration.

In the event that these abnormalities are observed, it is recommended to go to the specialist and thus be able to carry out concrete and specific tests to detect a possible hearing problem and take measures to reverse it and so that the child can continue its correct development.


by Abdullah Sam
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