FISH model;8 Facts You Must Know

The best-selling management book in the world is the book that deals with the FISH model.
A model that, if you search for it on Google, is about a fish market in Seattle, USA, which has managed to create and live a simple philosophy that has made them world famous, and has given great recognition and inspiration to countless companies around the world. .
The FISH model or philosophy is that there are 4 points that apply for the workplace to work.

FISH! – the four doctrines of the model:

  • Choose your position. If you expect the worst, you will find it everywhere.
  • Make others happy. The world becomes a better place, the moment you act with thoughts to serve others.
  • Be present. Be present in the situation. The other person deserves your presence.
  • Play gives renewed energy and makes creativity bubble.

The FISH model implies that there must be the playful element in a business. That there is room for the inner play child, that there is room to rejoice and laugh, that there is room for attention and presence to see something new and exciting in every single situation.

As a company whose survival is based on the fact that it is essential to provide service to customers, to make it clear that you want to make customers happy. Not only satisfied, but happy. And to take ownership because you have an influence on it.

This means that at the fish market in Seattle is not focusing PA ¥ how many fish you have sold (and you get sold many fish, for that is an attraction of the second world), but the way it was sold fish on the
fact that you with a twinkle in the eye and interest in the individual customer lifted the mood and delivered an experience.

The presence and what in New Danish is called commitment, is about being focused on that you want to create a good day / a fun day / an eventful day, etc. not that everything has to be a lev that excludes seriousness and accountability, because also the employees in the fish market recognize and know that there are duties to be done. But that you go with an enthusiasm and one energy that just makes a difference. So you do not wait when a customer comes to buy, but make sure that the atmosphere is open and interested, happy and inspiring when a customer comes.

That you get involved in such a way that you choose that “this will be a good day”, because you recognize that that focus simply makes the difference.

It is a simple truth in stress management and in business management that the leader makes a difference. That the leader or management are culture bearers. Which means that precisely the management must decide whether they will follow the success strategy, which is that

  • We want to play
  • We want to make people / customers happy
  • We want to be present and visible in the company
  • And, we will choose an attitude, day by day, that makes the people around us clear that the good day is preferable to the bad day.

It sounds simple.

And it’s easy. It is the art of living on an organizational level.
It requires effort. And that effort must be made every day. But everyone wins. And that is what we want and need.

DISH and FISH are interestingly enough reminiscent of each other.
And our product according to the FISH model and makes life for anyone who wants it both easier and more effortless.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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