How to find accounting service providers

How to find accounting service providers.More than finding good accounting service providers, when it comes to accounting it is also important to look for good partners.

Tips How to find accounting service providers

Search online

The internet is the simplest and fastest way to find accounting service providers. Watch Facebook pages and search for user reviews of the services. Get in touch with those you find most interesting and ask for more information about the type of work they can do. Start by analyzing at least five accountants until you arrive at an option.

Visit accounting fairs

Accounting fairs and events promoted by regional councils are an opportunity to meet important professionals in the field and companies with proven experience. If possible, pay a visit to these locations, talk to company representatives and find out what services they can offer. Believe me, accounting can go far beyond the formal aspects of taxes.

Ask for referrals to current suppliers

The companies you already work with are a good parameter to assess the quality of the accounting services provided. Talk to those responsible and ask for directions about this service. If they are satisfied with what is offered, they will certainly give high praise to the professionals involved. If not, then they will also ask for suggestions. Talk to several of them before making a decision.

How to organize accounting routines?

Different companies have different needs. It is for this reason that an office that serves a company very well may not be the most suitable to serve your company. It is necessary to pay attention if the purposes and the accounting routines will be the same – and if there are experienced professionals to provide this type of assistance. In general terms, we can say that there are three main areas: Human Resources, Tax Accounting and Financial Management.

Human Resources

Here we talk about day-to-day routines that relate to the relationship with employees. This includes the legal admission and dismissal routines as well as the generation of the payroll with the appropriate discounts and bonuses that must be paid. In addition, there is also the collection of taxes and communications to e-Social.

Tax Accounting

The so-called Tax Accounting is related to the collection of taxes and the payment of taxes . It is the most essential service and provided on a larger scale by accounting professionals. Virtually all companies, regardless of their size, need this type of service, which, on the other hand, is considered the basics for all accounting offices.

Financial Accounting

In this respect, the so-called consultative accounting can be of great value to companies. Through the analysis of inflows and outflows, accounts payable and receivables, it is possible to better plan the flow of investments. The use of ERP and NF-e issuing software helps to make this process more dynamic and efficient, in addition to integrating data in real time with the accounting offices.

What to analyze when choosing accounting services?

Multiple factors must be taken into account when analyzing accounting services that can be contracted. Don’t limit your choice to just the lowest price. Of course, the amount of fees is an important part of this equation, but it should never be the only one. Anyone who knows the saying “cheap can be expensive” knows what it means. Therefore, note the following factors.

Good references

If the accountant’s indication came from one of your suppliers, then you already have a positive point here. Someone you know endorses the quality of the service. In addition, research the office on sites like Reclame Aqui and, if possible, talk to other clients of it. This will help you to form an overview of his relationship with the market and the results that customers have obtained.

Service quality

The quality of service can be observed from the first contact with the company to the way its professionals provide information, whether via email, phone, in person or by other means. Assess what are the strengths and weaknesses in this relationship that begins and make a comparison between the options you have to choose from.

Data security

Your financial data and your customers’ data are one of the greatest assets that your company has and therefore they need to be treated by companies that value data security. Check what are the encryption technologies that the accountant has and what are the security measures adopted by him so that his information is always traded in secure environments. Also consider which systems are used by the accountant and whether they are compatible with the platforms you use in your company. Opt for consolidated systems with greater support in the market.


Although it should not be a determining factor , price is also one of the factors to be observed . The variation among professionals is very large and it is common to see offices charging twice as much as another for the same service. In your research, check what is included in the value and put the cost-benefit ratio of each of them in the balance. Opt not for the cheapest, but for what seems fairer in the way of charging.

Integration and support

Finally, be clear about how the firm relates to its clients and how it relates to accounting professionals with regard to support. Are there channels for obtaining immediate responses? Does the office work or know the same tools your company uses? Both need to be aligned so that the business relationship can start in the best possible way.

Suppliers must be your business partners

Your relationship with accounting professionals should be as good as possible, as well as with your other suppliers. For a company to grow, it needs business partners and accountants can be an essential part of this process. A numbers expert will be extremely helpful in providing more detailed analysis.
It is not a matter of outsourcing strategic decisions – they remain under the responsibility of managers and partners. However, with more subsidies for decision making, the chances that your choices will be more assertive increase considerably. More than mere bureaucracy performers, accounting professionals can be your day-to-day advisers.
It is a type of knowledge added to your work that should be seen as an investment, not an expense.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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