FIFA 22: How to Score Volleys

Volleys not only look great, but they often turn out to be a decisive tool to have on your locker to win matches. In this guide we will explain how to score volleys in FIFA 22 .

Score volleys in FIFA 22

To throw a volley in FIFA 22, just press Circle on PS4 / PS5 or B on Xbox One / Xbox Series X | S when the ball is in the air and close to your player.

The best way to do this is to make a cross by pressing Square / X in or around the border of the box. When the ball hits your player, hold down Circle / B and use your left analog stick to aim your volley at goal. Release Circle / B when you have enough power in your gear.

There are a few things to keep in mind when flying in FIFA 22. The first is to put less power on it than you think.

The more power you put into a volley, the more likely you are to fly well over the bar. Also, the momentum of the ball traveling through the air already adds power over the normal shot from the ground, so less power doesn’t necessarily mean a weak volley.

Finally, if you are looking to achieve one of the Ultimate Team goals that requires you to score volleys, remember that you cannot let the ball bounce between the center and the volley. It must be a first time, otherwise you will complete a half volley and it will not count.

Platform Final entry score
PS4 / PS5 Press Circle while the ball is in the air.
Xbox One / Xbox Series X S Press B while the ball is in the air
Nintendo switch Press A while the ball is in the air  

That’s everything you need to know to score volleys in FIFA 22 . Looking for more guides? Visit our FIFA 22 wiki.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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