
Fibroadenoma is one of the most common types of benign tumors in the breast that easily shifts when touched. Even so, not all lumps that appear on the breast is this tumor. Fibroadenoma has a solid shape with a rubbery or hard texture and the surface feels slippery. Generally, fibroadenoma size can enlarge and shrink by itself, and has a size that is quite varied.

Most people find it difficult to distinguish between fibrodenoma and breast cancer tumors. The difference between the two disorders is that fibroadenomas do not enlarge over time and do not spread to other organs like breast cancer. However, if it occurs during pregnancy, fibroadenoma size will usually be enlarged.

Also read: Fibroadenoma Cause Tumors in Breasts, Can Men Experienced?


Risk Factors for Fibroadenoma

Most people with fibroadenoma are women with an age range between 15-35 years. Even so, it is possible for women of any age to develop this disease.


Causes of Fibroadenoma

The development of fibroadenoma is often associated with reproductive hormones, but the main cause is still unknown. Experts say, fibroadenoma appears as an abnormal response from the female body to the hormone estrogen. When women are in the reproductive period, then this fibroadenoma is more prone to appear.

Fibroanodema size can be enlarged during pregnancy or when a person is undergoing hormone replacement therapy, and will shrink again when reproductive hormone levels decline, for example after a woman enters menopause.

Fibroadenomas are divided into several types, namely:

  • Complex fibroadenoma: Fibroadenoma of this type is caused by rapid cell growth (hyperplasia). Complex fibroadenomas can be diagnosed by tissue analysis using a microscope (biopsy).
  • Large fibroadenoma: This type of fibroadenoma can enlarge to about 5 centimeters and must be removed because the lump can compress the surrounding breast tissue.
  • Juvenilefibroadenoma . This type of fibroadenoma is most commonly found in women aged 10-18 years. This type can be enlarged. However, as time goes by it will disappear by itself.
  • Phyllodestumor . Although benign, phyllodes tumors can also turn malignant at any time. Therefore, doctors usually recommend removing this tumor.

Also read: Should Fibroadenomas Have Biopsy?


Symptoms of Fibroadenoma

In general, the symptoms of fibroadenoma are as follows:

  • The lump didn’t hurt.
  • Circular with clear tumor edges.
  • Easy to move when touched.
  • Lumps can feel rubbery or rather hard.

Each person can have more than one fibroadenoma at various sizes. However, there are fibroadenomas that are too small (approximately 8 centimeters) to be felt using the hands. This type of fibrodenoma can only be seen through ultrasound or mammography. For that, contact your doctor immediately if you detect any new lumps or changes in the breast.


Diagnosis of Fibroadenoma

During a clinical breast examination, the doctor will examine the lump in the breast. Some fibroadenomas are too small to be felt, so the lump can only be found in imaging tests. However, if you have a lump that can be felt or felt, your doctor may immediately recommend to do certain tests, depending on your age and the characteristics of the lump.

The following test to evaluate breast lumps:

  • Diagnostic mammography. This examination uses X-rays to produce an image (mammogram) of a suspicious area in the breast tissue of the sufferer.
  • Breast ultrasound. This examination uses sound waves to produce images of the inside of the breast. Breast ultrasound is usually recommended for evaluating breast lumps in women who have dense breast tissue, or women under the age of 30 years.


Complications of Fibroadenoma

Most fibroadenomas do not affect a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. However, the risk of breast cancer will increase if you have fibroadenoma complex or phyllodes tumor .


Fibroadenoma treatment

Generally, fibroadenoma does not need treatment. However, to make it safer, some sufferers choose the path of surgery to remove fibroadenoma lumps. Based on the results of the examination, the following is the usual treatment performed by doctors to remove fibroadenoma:

  • Lumpectomy,which is an operation performed by cutting or removing a fibroadenoma lump from the breast.
  • Cryoablation,which inserts a thin, stick-like instrument into a fibroadenoma lump to spray gas that will freeze tissue.

It should be noted that even after being removed, fibroadenomas can still reappear. Physical examination and biopsy tests are needed to make sure the lump is fibroadenoma or cancer. Even so, fibroadenoma lumps can actually shrink or disappear by itself. In addition, keep in mind, surgery can change the shape of the breast according to the appearance of the fibroadenoma itself. Therefore, routine checks still need to be done after fibroadenoma removal.


Prevention of Fibroadenoma

Conduct an early examination to reduce the negative risk.

Also read: Women Must Know, It’s Prevention and Treatment of Fibroadenoma


When to see a doctor?

Make an appointment with a doctor immediately if:

  • Feel a new breast lump.
  • Be aware of changes in your breasts.
  • The breast lump that you felt before has grown or changed and seems to be separated from the surrounding breast tissue.


by Abdullah Sam
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