Experts talk about a fraudulent scheme using the game Minecraft

There are several fleeceware apps on the Google Play store that offer add-ons to Minecraft and charge users up to $ 30 a week for regular services, according to a study by Avast.

“So-called ‘fleeceware’ apps offer new skins, colorful wallpapers, or mods for the game, but the subscription price is disproportionate to hundreds of dollars a month. Avast researchers told Google about seven fleeceware-apps in the store, but at the time of publication, they are still active, “- leads a message specialists Avast« RIA Novosti ».

The experts explained that such applications usually offer users to subscribe with a free trial period for three days, and then start charging fees up to $ 30 per week, hoping that people will not pay attention to it. First of all, such applications are aimed at those who, while downloading something, do not read the terms and conditions. Therefore, children often become victims of a fraudulent scheme, the company noted.

According to Avast, such applications related to Minecraft have been downloaded over 5 million times on Google Play. Experts recommended not downloading third-party apps or removing existing ones by canceling your subscription on Google Play.

Minecraft was created in 2009, and in 2014 it was bought by Microsoft for $ 2.5 billion.This year, the corporation reported that the popularity of the game increased during the coronavirus pandemic, in April the number of game users increased by 25%, the publication wrote. The Verge. By May, the game had sold over 200 million copies. 126 million people play it monthly.


by Abdullah Sam
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