
Exhaustion. Tiredness or exhaustion is almost always temporary and can be attributed to specific causes, such as lack of sleep , a stressful day at work, a tiring trip, a stressful situation or playing a lot of sport .

However, behind tiredness , weakness and exhaustion , illnesses can also be hidden, especially if the discomfort is long-lasting and goes beyond general laziness.

To clarify the cause of fatigue, it is advisable that your GP give you a general check-up. The doctor may diagnose you with an illness that is the cause of permanent tiredness. In some cases, symptoms such as weakness, lack of vigor and constant tiredness could be due to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, Chronic Tiredness Syndrome).


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  • 1 Causes
  • 2 Diagnosis
  • 3 Treatment
  • 4 Source


Fatigue can be due to many different causes. Weakness, exhaustion and tiredness are just general terms that can be due to a whole series of causes, from a harmless temporary weakness to serious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer . It is often possible to get an idea of ​​what might be the cause of sudden tiredness, for example, when a cold is brewing.

The spectrum of possible causes of fatigue ranges from specific non-pathological circumstances to serious diseases, passing through mild and moderate pathologies:

  • Infections (for example, a beginning cold or flu ).
  • Infectious diseases caused by bacteria , fungi, or viruses (for example, AIDS ).
  • Weaknesses and disorders of the immune system.
  • Heart disease (for example, heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, coronary heart conditions, myocarditis ).
  • Cardiovascular conditions (for example, low or high blood pressure ).
  • Vitamin deficiencies or hematological alterations ( anemia , anemia due to lack of iron , lack of vitamin B12 ).
  • Psychological causes (for example, Burnout Syndrome , depression ).
  • Metabolic diseases (for example, Diabetes mellitus ).
  • Hormonal causes (for example, hypothyroidism).
  • Chronic inflammation of the intestine (eg, Crohn’s disease , Ulcerative colitis ).
  • Cancer (for example, leukemia , lymphomas ).
  • Side effects of drugs or treatments (for example, chemotherapy ).
  • Exhaustion in pregnancy .
  • Causes due to diet (for example, anorexia nervosa , bulimia , alcohol abuse ).
  • Sleep disorders (for example, sleep apnea syndrome ).
  • Permanent tiredness due to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome ).


In case of intense and constant fatigue, it is advisable to consult with the doctor so that a diagnosis can be reached. If you feel tired, weak and exhausted for a long period of time, you should see your Primary Care doctor.

Since the causes of fatigue can be very diverse, the doctor first asks some questions during the anamnesis in order to guide the diagnosis:

  • Since when do you feel tired?
  • How is weakness manifested?
  • Was there a trigger?
  • Have you suffered from any illness recently?
  • What illnesses have you suffered previously in your life?
  • How is your diet?
  • Take medication?
  • Do you have other complaints like shortness of breath , weight loss , aches and pains?


Depending on the cause of fatigue, the doctor will recommend one or another treatment. If tiredness, weakness, and exhaustion are acute, rest and avoid stress is generally advised first , as well as physical exertion if necessary. In the long term, you should try to lead a healthy lifestyle with enough relaxation, enough hours of sleep, a balanced diet and regular physical exercise.

Specific treatment for fatigue depends on its cause. If infections are responsible for exhaustion, in addition to all of the above, medications such as antibiotics may also help. The cardiovascular disease also require medical treatment. Likewise, metabolic and hormonal diseases (such as hypothyroidism) require specific treatment, for example, heart rhythm disorders require antiarrhythmic drugs.


by Abdullah Sam
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