Examples of Slang

The slang or jargon is the special language used within a particular community, when members share certain characteristics (same trade, activity, geographic region or age group). For example: chela (a Mexican term that is used as a synonym for beer), chumbo (a coded term that is used among Argentine criminals as a synonym for a revolver), fiambre (in the police field it is used as a synonym for a corpse).

Specific sectors also arise, for example, among inmates of a prison. This phenomenon implies that the way of expressing that community maintains is incomprehensible to those who are not part of it. Slang provides and reinforces the identity of a certain social group and is a tool of any community when it comes to communicating informally.

The argots are characterized by their changing appearance: they can undergo transformations from one city to the other or even from generation to generation, although there are others that remain over the years.

  • See also:  Jargon

Slang examples

  1. Refried . In the journalistic field, the term refers to those journalistic notes or pieces that allude to a subject that has already been previously discussed. It is “refloated” when, due to some current circumstance, the issue regains importance or sometimes a refreito is called upon to “fill in” when there is a lack of personnel or issues on the agenda.
  2. Carnal . In Mexico this term is used as a synonym for “friend.”
  3. Paloma . In the navy, this term refers to the cross that is placed on the ship’s mastiff.
  4. Mona . In Colombia, this term is used informally to refer to women with blonde hair.
  5. Yuta . It is a term used by Argentine inmates to refer to the police in encrypted form.
  6. Chamo . It is a word typical of Venezuelan culture to refer to a girl or boy.
  7. Melopea . It is a term that is used in Spain as a synonym for drunkenness.
  8. Partner . It is a term that is used in Colombia, colloquially, to refer to a young man.
  9. Buga . It is a term used in the LGBT community and is used to refer to heterosexuals.
  10. Cool . In Mexico, this expression is synonymous with “good” or “good.”

Examples of slang sentences

  1. Let the grim reaper know that he can go to rest. (Grim Reaper = death in medical jargon)).
  2. The kids behaved very well in the camp. (kids = children in Argentine slang).
  3. Although it may not seem like it, these glasses are trout . (trout = false in Argentine slang).
  4. This pod already has me tired, we better talk about something else. (pod = subject in the slang of several Latin American countries).
  5. The patient I just saw had a cyclosporine face . (cyclosporine = drug addiction in medical slang).
  6. Despite all the inconveniences, the live went very well. (live = live broadcast in journalistic slang).
  7. The family has already reached the lunch box to recognize the body. (lunch box = morgue in police slang).
  8. Due to a ball, my son dropped a pineapple , luckily, it was milk. (piño = tooth in Spanish slang).
  9. This year, I will go on vacation with my carnales to the beach. (carnales = anigos in Mexican slang).
  10. At the recital they broke my cell phone. (chafaron = stole in Argentine slang).


by Abdullah Sam
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