Examples of a Scientific Text

Among the various types of existing texts, we count the scientific texts, these are written using a language that must be clear, concise, they are written in a formal “tone” to improve the understanding by the reader of what is being writing.

This type of texts usually present a variety of technicalities, to deal with scientific issues, that is, they use a language that frequently carries technicalities typical of the, or scientific disciplines of which it deals.

Some of the scientific texts belong to literary sectors such as the essay, the thesis, didactic books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, books on scientific topics such as biology, botany, zoology, physics, mathematics, geometry, medicine, astronomy, geology, chemistry, archeology, anthropology, paleontology, pharmacology, history, etc.

Among these types of texts, we can find scientific essays, scientific opinions or reports, didactic books and manuals on medicine, physics, astronomy, reports of a scientific nature, written investigations within the scientific field, diaries and annotations of the same nature, among others.

Example of an essay-type scientific text:

Breast cancer and your need for fat to keep expanding.

By Dr. Cándido Pérez López.


Breast cancer, or breast cancer, is one of the diseases that currently causes the most deaths in the world, mainly due to the scarce prevention prevailing in certain geographical areas and socioeconomic sectors, as well as the complete ignorance of the mechanisms of action of the disease, which makes it difficult to combat.


“Recent studies give us a promising line of research to elucidate the mechanism of reproduction of cancer cells in breast cancer. This is research carried out by the Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute, in collaboration with the University of Rovira and several hospitals, who discovered that abnormal mammary cells (cancer cells) need a supply of external fats, that is, they need to collect fats from the outside to be transferred within themselves, in order to continue their proliferation, which gives doctors and scientists a new line of research to discover methods to combat this deadly disease.

Although previous research had revealed that cancer cells need to capture glucose in order to develop and multiply, it is an important discovery that these cells also capture lipids, in order to carry out the degenerative process of excessive cell reproduction (cancer) “…

Example of a scientific report:

Recent studies have revealed similar genetic mechanisms that correspond to the development and evolution of limbs in humans and other mammals, from analogous mechanisms in the evolution of body parts such as the gills of cartilaginous fish, such as sharks, rays and manta rays. stripes, from where the upper extremities that we now have as arms would evolve.

This is revealed by a study carried out by the University of Cambridge, which shows that our limbs possibly evolved from a structure in our ancestors, similar to the gill arches of cartilaginous fish.

Although no corroborating fossil findings have been found in preliminary studies, this new study is based on experiments that could show that the limbs share the same genetic program or thread with the gill arches, because the fins and limbs resulted from evolutionary progress. continued of an ancestral vertebrate, and that was “perfected” with subsequent generations, having a separate evolution but using the same mechanism or genetic program, providing scientific bases for the hypothesis that there is a fundamental evolutionary link between the development of our arms and fingers, from the gills of said cartilaginous fish.

Sample math science text:

(Title) The Fibonacci Sequence

(Author)  Emmanuel C. López.


The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence of numbers that, starting from unity, each of its terms is the sum of the previous two.


Leonardo de Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, was an Italian mathematician who became famous by spreading in Europe the numbering system that uses positional notation of base ten, or decimal, and a digit of null value (zero) that we use in the present. He devised a sequence of numbers which bears his name (Fibonacci sequence or Fibonacci sequence). This consists of a very simple sequence, in it each term is the sum of the previous two.

It begins with the number 1, and continues as follows:

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55.89 …

In these numbers, the quotient of two consecutive numbers in the series are close to what is called “golden ratio” or “divine proportion”, that is, the number φ of value (1+ root of 5) / 2 = 1.61803 …

Scientists and researchers have found that this sequence can be observed in nature, for example in the growth marks of snail shells, the distribution of leaves around the stem of plants, the arrangement of seeds in large numbers of flowers and fruit.

According to some botanical studies, this sequence in the distribution, for example in the leaves of plants, allows greater efficiency in the capture and distribution of solar energy, thanks to the fact that the leaves are not distributed in such a way that they remain one just vertically. on the other, they are born following a kind of spiral around the stem, an order that increases efficiency in terms of the ratio of space they occupy and the capture of sunlight, which makes the plants more energy efficient.

Is it just a fluke, or is there some kind of “organizational plan” that links mathematics to the way nature works?

by Abdullah Sam
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