Great Essay on Population Explosion In Environment Science

Here is great essay on population explosion is being discussed.Many environmental problems of health are man made, and there is a danger that they may well overtax his capacity to adapt. By far the worst pressure on the environment comes from the growing flood of humans.

This demographic “explosion” started in the mid-nineteenth century, and is still accelerating. In both the developing and the industrialized countries there was a rise in the birth rate after World War II; in the developing countries there was, in addition, a fall in the death rate.

After slow growth, over hundreds of thousands of years, the. population at the beginning of the nineteenth century reached 1000 million; barely 130 years after that it doubled (2 x 103); and in 1960, after 30 years, it was 3 x 10*. By 1975, the population will be 4 X 10″, and before the end of the century, unless there ife a dramatic change, the population will reach 6 x 10′. Extrapolated further, there would by 2500 A.D. be only one square meter of dry land for every human being! 

Essay On Population Explosion And The Today’s World

This basic process is threatening to change the entire quality of human existence for the worse, and has been likened to a cancer (Huxley). In the developing world, the population is multiplying much faster (from 2 to 4 per cent per year) than the world average. Although the rich nations are becoming richer, the poor nations, in spite of technical aid and assistance, are becoming poorer, largely because their population is in­creasing so fast. The birth of so many babies is in fact standing in the way of economic development and industrialization, because the nation’s capital is taken up with feeding, housing, and educating them.

When animal populations exceed the limits of their environment, the result is disease, strife, starvation, and lack of cover. There is no con­vincing evidence that man is excused from the same ecologic laws.

Originally, the main argument for reform was Malthusian, from those who saw the problem as one of food shortage. This point of view was immediately countered by certain agricultural economists who calculated that modern agricul­tural and food technology could provide enough food for many decades to come, and therefore denied the need for family limitation.

These calcu­lations did not take into account the problems of national boundaries, food prejudices, and distri­bution; nevertheless, useless polemic was gener­ated which deflected the urgency away from the equally important problems of shortage of water, educational and health services, raw materials, space for housing and amenities, noise, waste, and pollution (Mayer).

Even with the most successful family planning, in 40 years the population will reach 6 billion by 2000 A.D. ffc could be more, because the deep instinct of motherhood may insist on more than two children per family. This implies that the rising expectations of a large part of the world will be frustrated; the people will continue to live in squalor, and may never reach the standards enjoyed by advanced.western society. In the United States, $200 per head is devoted to health and welfare today; by 2000 A.D., it is calculated to be $350. In parts of Africa the present budget is 75 cents; in 2000 A.D., it will only be $2 per head.

by Abdullah Sam
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