Energy Conservation Law

Energy Conservation Law. It constitutes the first principle of thermodynamics and states that the total amount of energy in any isolated system (without interaction with any other system) remains unchanged over time, although this energy can be transformed into another form of energy. It is one of the fundamental laws of physics and its theory is that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed; This implies that the mass in certain conditions can be considered as a form of energy.

Law of conservation of energy and thermodynamics

The law of conservation of energy is considered one of one of the fundamental laws of physics and constitutes the first principle of thermodynamics. It states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant or that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed, which implies that under certain conditions the mass can be considered as a form of energy.

The law of conservation of energy affirms that nothing capable of generating energy exists or can exist, nothing exists or can exist that can make energy disappear and, finally, if it is observed that the amount of energy varies, it will always be possible to attribute said variation to an exchange of energy with some other body or with the surrounding environment.

Energy is the ability of bodies or body systems to do work. Every system that passes from one state to another produces physical or chemical phenomena that are nothing more than manifestations of some transformation of energy, since it can appear in different forms: kinetic , potential , electrical , mechanical , chemical . Whenever an amount of one energy class is produced, an exactly equivalent amount of another class or classes must be consumed.

When a system is in a particular state, it is characterized by a value of its internal energy that is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of all the particles that make up the system. When taking the internal energy as a whole, it is not necessary to specify the different types of intrinsic energy of the component particles. This means that whatever the interactions of the system with the surroundings, the energy that it gives or receives from them is exclusively translated into an increase or decrease in its internal energy (U), which greatly simplifies the study of the system and its interactions. The internal energy (U) is measured in Joule (J).

Within thermodynamic systems, a consequence of the law of conservation of energy is the so-called first law of thermodynamics , which states that, by supplying a certain amount of heat (Q) to a system, this amount of energy will be equal unlike the increase in the internal energy of the system (ΔU) plus the work (W) carried out by the system on its surroundings.


by Abdullah Sam
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