Embryo (botany)

Embryo Embryo is a term derived from the Latin word embryon. Germ or rudiment of a living being, originated after the first divisions of the fertilized oocell, from which a seedling will originate. It is a miniature plant in a dormant or dormant state of life. It is generally formed as a consequence of the fertilization of the ovocell. The double fertilization in Angiosperms gives rise to the development of the embryo and the endosperm , nutritional tissue.


Different structures can be recognized in the embryo, some of which will give rise to different parts of the adult plant. Thus, we can find the plúmula or gémula that will produce the first leaves; the radicle, which will form the primary root and the stem that will give rise to the stem of the seedling . On the other hand, the embryo has one or more lateral appendages called [[cotyledons, which are modified leaves. These structures are related to the nutrition of the embryo within the seed and, in some cases, have the function of performing photosynthesis to feed the plant once it germinates until the first leaves can sustain its development. The union between the embryo and the cotyledons is given by the cotyledonal node.


by Abdullah Sam
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