Embroidery with ribbons

Embroidered with ribbons . It is an art that can be perfected and improved every day. It is made on fabric and they are used to embellish fabrics in covers, bags, rugs, towels, tablecloths, blouses, dresses, pictures, etc.

Its application is endless and allows you to be creative to innovate stitches and work since it is done with stitches equal to traditional hand embroidery (with thread). In this case the tape replaces the thread, the thread and the tape can also be combined.


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  • 1 Materials needed
  • 2 Tips
  • 3 Procedure
  • 4 Threading the needle
  • 5 To start embroidery
  • 6 Indications to make some points
  • 7 External link
  • 8 Source

Necessary materials

  • Tape: The special tape for this technique is called a ribbon. They come in various sizes: 1/8, ¼, ½ mm or wider depending on the work to be done. The ribbon has uniform shine on both sides. The regular butter ribbon may have one shiny side and the other opaque, or both shiny sides. When the ribbon has only one shiny or satin side, care should be taken when embroidering to avoid flipping.
  • Needles: the round pointed needle is indicated for this type of embroidery because it has a large hole so that the ribbon passes well. There are No. 18, 20, 22, and 24. The fine-tipped common needle is also used to embroider with thread and bind off, as well as the pins used to hold the ribbons.
  • Fabric: it can be embroidered on all types of fabric, but it is recommended to do it on squares (fresh fabric), linen and preferably on cotton fabric with open weft. In silk and taffeta, be careful with the thickness of the needle so that it does not pierce. In grid fabric the guards are better embroidered. This is known in the market with the name of AIDA, PANAMA or ESTAMINA. When guards are embroidered , the quilted fabric has to be unraveled first to be able to insert the chosen ribbon in that space. Some stitches are: straight, cable, square (herringbone) conchita and fantasy stitches.
  • Frame: screw frame to tension the fabric well. There are No. 4, 6 and 8 according to the size of the drawing. AIDA fabric may well be embroidered without a frame because it is taut. It is preferable to use it on soft fabric like linen. The hoop should not be stretched on the fabric for a long time to avoid leaving marks.
  • Tracing paper for dressmaking: it is a chalk-based paper, does not stain and is in full color.
  • Pencil
  • Embroidery thread
  • Sewing thread
  • Scissors
  • Drawings


If the tape wrinkles, it must be ironed before starting and continuing the work. It can be washed by hand at home and at the dry cleaner; the work once done should never be ironed on top, because it would be ruined. The tape is always cut diagonally.


  • Transfer the design to the fabric, calcining it with the carbon paper.
  • Attach the hoop making sure there are no wrinkles on the fabric (in the area where you are going to embroider)
  • Cut the tip of the tape at an angle.
  • Thread the needle as follows:

Threading the needle

  • Step 1: Thread the needle and click on the short side of the tape, in the center, very close to the edge.
  • Step 2: Run the tape up to the eye of the needle.
  • Step 3: Pull the ribbon until it stays in the eye of the needle and is firm: tie a knot at the other end of the ribbon.
  • Step 4: Fold the edge of the tape and prick with the needle.
  • Step 5: Thread the folded tape through the needle.
  • Step 6: Keep running the folded tape through the entire tape until it reaches the end.

To start embroidery

Stitches: Straight stitch, Profile or stem stitch, Quiet stitch (daisy variant), Satin or full stitch, Long and short stitch (full variant), Stitch stitch (back stitch), Rose stitch (straight variant), Chain stitch, French knot stitch, Leaf stitch (fly variant), Feather stitch (fly variant), Fly stitch, Herringbone stitch (catiteo), Yukiko leaf stitch (wide stem), Wavy stitch (buttonhole stitch) , Daisy stitch, Daisy variant, Japanese stitch, Back stitch, Carnation (or curly ribbon), Wrapped bar (worm), Loose stitch, Star-based rose, Fern stitch.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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