Effective Cellulite Creams: How They Really Work

There are cosmetic products that fight cellulite suitable for the treatment of the best known imperfection, the orange peel, but are there really effective anti-cellulite creams ? The answer is yes, as long as you use them correctly. On sale we can in fact find medicinal specialties suitable for the treatment of cellulite, which can lend a hand in the fight against this imperfection right where it accumulates most, or on the thighs, legs, buttocks, stomach and arms.

  1. How they work
  2. The active ingredients
    1. Levothyroxine
    2. Aescin
  3. How to apply them
  4. Do anti-cellulite creams work?

A fundamental condition for obtaining excellent visible and lasting results in the fight against cellulite is to take care of your body consistently. Changing, if necessary, one’s lifestyle in favor of healthy practices that can bring us well-being, starting with following a correct diet and playing sports to stay fit.

How anti-cellulite creams work

The anti-cellulite creams , particularly those pharmacological, create a reduction of cellulite and fleshing the skin creating a smoother consistency. However, they do not completely remove the orange peel effect.

These creams have a direct effect on cellulite because they improve skin quality by rejuvenating the skin.

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It is good to take a look at the active ingredients of anti-cellulite products and understand which ones are the most effective. There are pharmaceutical anti-cellulite creams that boast a really deep action and are not just cosmetic beauty creams. That is, they do not limit themselves to acting only on the famous cellulite imperfections such as the orange peel that can be seen with the naked eye. These creams carry out their action deep in the cells , thanks to different active ingredients.

The active ingredients of anti-cellulite creams

How do the active ingredients of anti-cellulite creams work? The key ingredients contained in the creams have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Aminophylline: reduces the irregular dimples caused by cellulite;
  • Retinol: improves skin texture by exfoliating dead cells;
  • Caffeine: reduces the fat content in the cells by blocking phosphodieterase, an enzyme that inhibits the breakdown of fat;
  • Levothyroxine: often used against hypothyroidism, in contact with the skin it has the effect of burning fat and reducing the adipose layer caused by cellulite
  • Escin: it is a functional principle that is extracted from the horse chestnut plant. We often find it in pharmacological anti-cellulite creams for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, contribute to the dissolution of fats and support venous contractility


The levothyroxine is a hormone that is produced naturally by the human body. This does not happen correctly in the case of hypothyroidism, i.e. when the activity of the thyroid is lower than normal. As therapy, levothyroxine, the active ingredient of synthetic origin, is administered orally (ie taken through the mouth).

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The use of levothyroxine topically (ie through locally spread cream), is instead extremely effective and totally safe in the treatment of cellulite, and has no contraindications even in those who complain of thyroid problems, because it acts in different areas than the molecule taken. orally.

Levothyroxine stimulates the basal metabolism and promotes lipolysis, that is, it dissolves localized adiposity (fats) and hinders the accumulation of fats and water that form the typical orange peel or ‘mattress’ skin, in the most serious cases. Its action is very deep in the layers of the skin.


L ‘ escin promotes the drainage of fluids in the tissues and protects the capillaries due to its anti-inflammatory action. Not only that: the capillaries become more resistant and the pain and the feeling of heaviness that often accompanies the presence of cellulite is also reduced, for example on the ankles, legs and thighs. With the cyclical and constant use of anti-cellulite creams as a cure, maintenance and prevention, you have really effective results.

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How to apply anti-cellulite creams

How are anti-cellulite creams applied? Don’t be in a hurry, the cream should be applied consistently on the affected areas, that is where cellulite is present, every day in the treatment phase, every other day in the maintenance phase. The skin must be clean. Generally the most prone areas are the buttocks, stomach, thighs, legs, ankles, arms.

After applying the cream you have to massage slowly and without too much force, with circular and light movements from the bottom to the top , in order to fully absorb the cream and make it penetrate deeply. For example, to apply the cream on the leg you go from the knee to the thigh. The skin is almost caressed with the hand, you don’t have to apply too much pressure.

The secret to effective treatment is the slow circular (follow the clockwise) and light movement of the hands. To improve circulation, you can give small strokes with a closed fist (the wrist must remain soft), always maintaining a very light pressure which will favor the drainage of excess fluids and toxins.

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Do anti-cellulite creams work?

To fight cellulite effectively, you need to be in advance. To get the best results with anti-cellulite creams you need to learn to follow correct and healthy behaviors. In fact, the secret is to maintain consistency and stubbornness. What needs to be done? Is simple. It is enough to observe a healthy lifestyle:

  • Prefer a correct diet rich in fruit and vegetables;
  • Ensure the body is properly hydrated . You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Better to prefer low sodium waters which naturally help eliminate the accumulation of water in the cells.
  • Eliminate excess fats and sugars from our table
  • Limit the salt. Knowing that too salty foods promote water retention, as well as the appearance and accumulation of cellulite, it will be good to use less and less salt to season the dishes of our lunch or dinner. Foods that are too salty, in addition to promoting water stagnation, are also harmful to health because they promote metabolic diseases such as hypertension. It is a good idea to remember that the consumption of salt should not exceed 5 grams per day, the equivalent of a teaspoon, paying attention to the salt that we find in ready-made foods. The stock cubes with glutamate and flavor enhancers, ready meals (including frozen), aged cheeses, cured meats and preserves should be limited to a minimum .
  • Playing sports . You can choose any type of sport you like best, from brisk walking to running, from swimming to water aerobics . Even a ride on a bicycle (or an exercise bike) can be useful in order to stimulate blood circulation and even more so the lymphatic one, burn calories and above all fight cellulite. The secret to obtaining good results is to devote yourself with dedication and consistency to continuous aerobic activity. But also Yoga and Pilates can help us dissolve the stagnant liquids in the body, draining them and eliminating toxins.


by Abdullah Sam
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