Edible mushrooms

Edible mushrooms. Edible mushrooms include many types of mushrooms that are collected, and others that are not easily cultivated (such as truffle and matsutake ), and that are highly appreciated in gastronomy.


Mycophagy (the act of consuming mushrooms, being monkey: ‘fungus’ and phagia: ‘eating’), began as early as prehistory.

Edible mushroom species have been found in Chile in 13,000-year-old human archaeological sites.

The first reliable evidence of mushroom consumption dates back to several centuries before our era, in China . The Chinese appreciated mushrooms for both their medicinal and nutritional properties. The Greeks and Romans ate mushrooms, mainly the wealthier classes. Roman Caesars had food tasters to taste mushrooms before the emperor, to make sure they were not poisonous.

Mushrooms can also be easily preserved, and have historically provided additional nutrition during winters. These are some of the edible mushrooms that can be found on our region: Ticket pine , Snowball , Champignon , edible fungus , Matamoscas , Níscalo , Parasol , Blue Foot , Seta cane , mushroom black poplar , mushroom gentlemen , perrochico or mushroom San Jorge , white poplar Seta , Seta thistle , Senderilla.


  • “Mushrooms or Mushrooms” in Latin America, because the Paris MushroomAgaricus bisporus ), is the most consumed mushroom.

Among the species cultivated in Mexico are the white, brown and organic mushrooms (Agaricus), the “mushrooms” (Pleurotus), the shiitake (Lentinula), the reishi (Ganoderma), the maitake (Grifola), and the cuitlacoche (Ustilago ).

  • “Mushrooms [edible]”, in Argentina and Uruguay, the most consumed being the “mushroom” ( Agaricus bisporus), along with Shiitake and Portobello.
  • “Mushrooms [edible]”, exclusively in Spain.

Some edible mushrooms have an extremely strong flavor, like the bitter boletus ( Tylopilus felleus ). Before assuming that a wild mushroom is edible, safety rules must be followed and its identification must be ensured. The best proof of edibility is the identification of the species. Some mushrooms that are edible for most people can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.


by Abdullah Sam
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