10 Easy Passwords To Remember But Hard To Guess

Easy Passwords To Remember But Hard To Guess.password is a word, phrase, or signal known only to a certain person(s) and allows them to recognize each other or access a site that was previously inaccessible. At least that is how the Oxford Dictionary and the Royal Academy of Language define it.Today, a password serves as an authentication method to access a controlled resource or site or group.

List of Easy Passwords To Remember But Hard To Guess.

But obviously, if we take into account the recommendations for creating a secure password, what we find is the practical impossibility of being able to remember them when we are going to use them.

That is to say, I can easily remember a password that is of the “chorizofresco” type, but if it is of the “93h4ghf*-g3w4r5g” type, I can have a prodigious mind that you can remember a password, but not all the ones that I am going to create for you. each and every one of my accounts.

Imagine, for example, that we are going to register on a humor page, with which obviously it will be easy to remember that the password we believe may be related to a joke, and in this way, all we have to do is look for a combination to help us avoid using specific words and of course also add numbers , case and characters.

For example, from the joke:
Mom, mom, grandpa is sick.
Well, put it away and eat the potatoes.

We can obtain an easy to remember password that for example could be “1Mmeaem*2Payclp”.

Examples of strong passwords

Here are some examples of strong passwords that can inspire you to build your own hard-to-guess password.

  • P@r!CuT!R1.m8o0o7g%?*ñ
  • -FAD”vN2EVW>G,~g822oEr
  • 5~QBV*D9,bA!X;W%66~a90
  • !F^}.8dJy[@E”fP/3d7w62#8$
  • \zPG=4=#CV*=_2YZpU#}z9q
  • Q7PQ^ThLS/TH@C3x{Hfqxg6
  • e]G}>D+3>yU`p,Q#5`xUf2H%e
  • rT]G-ME”)KC[t<2#W~r.9e`6f#0
  • xNTcjhb4SGE9{`PK274[QJ?
  • #;M!f[3<W-:HsBYJ!.qEyy)eL#a

Be careful: we do not recommend using any of these examples as a password for any of your accounts, since they are likely to be compromised when they are published here.

What is the most used password?

The most used password worldwide is 123456 according to data from Statista . And that also coincides with the Nordpass data. This password has appeared in databases that have been hacked or leaked more than 23 million times.

Previously, other passwords that have taken the prize for computer insecurity in previous years have been:

  1. password1
  2. 111111
  3. abc123
  4. qwerty
  5. picture1

What are the most used passwords on Facebook?

Some of the most used passwords on Facebook , coming from previous computer security breaches in this social network, are:

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. facebook1
  4. qwerty
  5. later
  6. abc123
  7. monkey
  8. dragon
  9. baseball
  10. superman

These are the recommendations that we wanted to give you about difficult passwords, thus ensuring that you can maximize your security and that of all the content stored in your accounts.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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