Driveway: annual cost and application procedure

The driveway has an annual cost, let’s find out together how much and how to apply, with an eye to the requirements for requesting and obtaining authorization, either from the Municipality or from another body.

Driveway: legislation

If you own a room, a house or a garage at street level, you can request a driveway to prevent vehicles from parking in front of the property entrance.

To obtain the driveway (or driveway), however, it is not enough to have the necessary requirements, but a specific procedure is needed: it is managed by articles 3 and 22 of the Highway Code, in addition to 44, 45 and 46 of the regulations implementation of the same Code.

Specifically, it is the latter, namely art. 46, to arrange the conditions to be observed for the construction of a driveway, despite the fact that Municipalities and Bodies may indicate further additions.

Driveway: required

First of all, the request for the establishment of a driveway must be made by the owner , and never by the tenant; the only exception is the question from the condominium administrator on behalf of the assembly.

To file the application you must go to the municipal office in charge of the municipality of residence, the Anas or the Province, and fill out a form with personal data and information useful for identifying the place (or area).

At this point, before giving final acceptance, the staff checks the conditions for issuing the authorization: for the whole process it will take about 15 days (usually up to a month).

Driveway cost

Requesting a driveway has a price, and the cost of occupying public land is borne by the applicant. Total costs may vary based on:

  • request area– outside the city costs less than in the center
  • surface in sq m– based on the width of the entrance and the space in front
  • activity– the cheapest is for private purposes
  • basic rate in euros– established by the municipality

All these data form the annual fee for obtaining the driveway.

Remember that there are also exemptions:

  • temporary accesses by road to construction sites
  • the driveways of the State, the Regions, the Provinces, the Municipalities and their Consortia
  • the driveways of religious bodies for the exercise of cults admitted in the State, of non-commercial bodies and Onlus.

Once the concession for a driveway has been obtained and paid, it will be unequivocally signaled by the specific road sign posted on the border between private property and public land, so that it is visible from the roadway.


by Abdullah Sam
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