
Discord is a free VoIP application designed for gaming communities. It runs on Windows , MacOS , Android , iOS , Linux and has the possibility of being used from the software created for said program or it can be used directly from the browser.

Table of Contents

Main features

The Discord client is built on the Electron framework using web technologies, allowing it to be cross-platform and run on personal computers and on the web. Further:

  • Voice chatfor you to participate and chat with your team or group since the main function is that you stay in contact with fans of the same games. The voice quality is excellent as it is built with the latest technology using a jitter buffer, noise suppression and echo cancellation.
  • Messages in real timeto share videos and images and texts.
  • Push notificationsso that you stay informed about the messages that are sent directly to mobile devices. Whenever you are mentioned in a channel or receive a private message, the usual window will appear on mobile.
  • Instant invitationsallowing your friends to access your server and with appropriate settings to improve your skills.
  • Direct messagesprivately to maintain communication between two users and deal with any type of matter.
  • Multiple server support tomanage all your chat groups from the same client.
  • Manageable channelsto keep discussions on a topic through structured communication.


It is a free program, with low latency, it consumes few resources, it has protection against attacks, you can create chat rooms and add people, have private conversations outside the rooms, it is customizable. In addition to being able to communicate via chat, Discord allows calls and video calls, you can manage the permissions of the members of the chats, very useful if you have large groups of people, and it has a mobile app version that allows us some of the principal functions.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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