What is the difference between Polyps and Cancer?

Being aware of what polyps are and their difference with cancer is important for health. Polyps refer to the disordered growth of cells in the tissue of an organ. The definition is very similar to cancer . After all, what differs from each other? Check it out in our article!


What are polyps?

The polyp is a small protuberance that grows in cavities lined with mucous membranes. Polyps can appear in various regions of our body, such as stomach, gallbladder, uterus, nasal cavity, intestines and others, but it is more common in the intestines . Therefore, polyps are not cancer, but some types have the potential to become cancer.

Certain foods and beverages are very likely to contribute to the appearance of intestinal polyps, especially frequent and excess alcohol consumption



Most polyps are asymptomatic . When symptoms are present, rectal hemorrhage is the most frequent. A large polyp can cause cramping, abdominal pain, obstruction or intussusception (one segment of the intestine slides into another segment, like parts of a telescope). Large polyps with finger-shaped projections (called villous adenomas) can expel water and salts, causing excessive diarrhea that can result in a drop in the concentration of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia). Sometimes, a rectal polyp with a large stalk can slide through the intestine and appear in the anus.


And cancer?

Cancer is the name given to a set of more than 100 diseases that have in common the disorderly (malignant) growth of cells that invade tissues and organs, and can spread (metastasize) to other regions of the body.

Dividing rapidly, these cells tend to be very aggressive and uncontrollable , determining the formation of tumors (accumulation of cancer cells) or malignant neoplasms.



Cancer in any part of the body can cause generic symptoms such as loss of more than 6 kg without dieting, always being very tired or having some pain that doesn’t go away. However, to arrive at the correct diagnosis it is necessary to do a series of tests to rule out other hypotheses.


by Abdullah Sam
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