How to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

There are many patients with intestinal problems. They are intermittent cramps, gas that distends the abdomen, alternating attacks of constipation and diarrhea, feeling that the bowel has not been emptied completely with the evacuation. These symptoms are common to many intestinal diseases. One of them is irritable bowel syndrome. Find out in this post how to treat this problem!


Avoiding trigger foods

For the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. However, we can anticipate that, depending on the symptoms, it is important to avoid foods that cause a feeling of puffiness and bloating, such as beans, cabbage, strong spices, carbonated drinks, fatty foods, fried foods and milk for lactose intolerants.


Do exercises

Regular physical activity can help the intestine to contract and expand normally. Try to do 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week, which can also decrease anxiety, improve mood and help control weight.



Psychological symptoms are present in most patients with irritable bowel syndrome, so psychological therapy is an important form of treatment . It can be done in the form of traditional psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy, in which the psychologist helps to identify the psychological issues that influence the onset of symptoms, and encourages the patient to adapt the body’s response.


Beware of antibiotics

The antibiotic should fight the pathogenic bacteria that are causing the symptoms of the disease, but instead it targets all the bacteria with which it comes in contact, as it cannot tell the good from the bad . In this way, healthy bacteria in the intestinal flora leave completely out of balance, thus opening the door for fermentation to migrate from the large intestine to the small intestine, causing symptoms of gas formation, swelling and alteration in the stool.



Medicines are an additional or alternative way to treat the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The drug is chosen based on the symptoms that are most problematic. Anti-diarrheal drugs, for example, can reduce diarrhea by inhibiting the intestinal muscles. Laxatives and fibers can decrease the stool consistency of individuals who are constipated.


by Abdullah Sam
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