Difference of squares

Difference of squares. The difference of squares of two terms is equal to the product of the sum of these terms times the difference of these terms.


Difference of squares is called the binomial made up of two terms that can be derived from the exact square root.

When studying remarkable products we had to:

Where the result is a difference of squares, for this chapter it is the opposite case:

Where always the difference of squares is equal to the product of the sum by the difference of its bases. Steps to follow to calculate the difference of squares:

  1. The square root of both terms is extracted.
  2. The sum is multiplied by the difference in these quantities (the second term of the negative binomial is the root of the term of the negative binomial).

Factoring a difference of squares

The factorization of a difference of squares is formed by an equation with two terms: one positive and the other negative. Both must be exact square roots. And what is done is to subtract between them. Hence the name of factorization by difference of squares.

Examples of square differences

Do you already know what a difference of squares is? Here are other examples for you to have more clarity!

Remember that both the difference of squares and the factorization by difference of squares will be very useful for you to solve mathematical and algebra problems in particular. Don’t skip to the next lesson until you’re clear on this concept! Only then can you learn step by step.


by Abdullah Sam
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