What Is The Difference Between Memorial Day And Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a public holiday that the people of the United States celebrate every year on November 11th. This Veterans Day is set to be observed by the United States against people who have worked in the United States Armed Forces. The United States calls these people military veterans who have worked with the government to defend and provide security for the entire country. Memorial Day, on the other hand, is a day dedicated to the memories of US militants who lost their lives in the line of duty. The United States remembers those who died every last Monday in May each year. Unlike Veterans’ Day which is celebrated against all US militants, Memorial Day is specific to US militants who have died to serve the nation.

History of Memorial Day

This act of decorating the graves of the militants began before the American civil war. The first decoration was performed on a tomb of the first Civil War soldier of June 3, 1861 in Virginia, followed by a female tomb in Savannah, Georgia, in 1862. General John Logan formed a day when the nation of states United decorates the graves of soldiers with flowers. He said that the day of decoration should be observed every year throughout the country. He needed a day to put aside for the memory of both Native Americans and African American soldiers who died in the United States Armed Forces.

The first Memorial Day celebration in the south was linked to women who put flowers in the city cemetery in April 1866 in Columbus, Mississippi. Women played a crucial role in decorating the graves of dead soldiers. The day of the decoration was an initial name for this festival until US federal law changed the day of the decoration on Memorial Day in the year 1967. United States law also requires that the flag be hoisted in the middle of the flag post until noon, then go up to the top for the rest of the day. Raising the flag at mid-position shows that over a million soldiers died to serve the nation.

Veterans Day Story

Veterans’ Day was legalized on 13 May 1938 and was named Armistice Day. A veteran of the Second World War in Birmingham, Raymond Weeks, had the idea of ​​extending Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans rather than just those who lost their lives in World War I. The first celebration of all the veterans was made in 1947 and since then the eleventh of November has been carried out every year.

Military personnel parties

The two days are crucial in the United States, so these days are taken seriously. All citizens in the United States celebrate the days in honor of the army veterans of the Armed Forces. Military veterans have done the commendable work for the nation of the United States by providing security to all citizens.

by Abdullah Sam
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