
Desiccation . This term refers to the action and result of drying or drying out, in removing, extracting, removing moisture , mist, steam or soaking which is contained and which is in the presence of a place, place or site.



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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 In Botany
  • 3 In Chemistry
  • 4 A drying out in soils
  • 5 Other definitions
  • 6 Sources


This etymologically vocabulary comes from the transitive active verb “desiccate” and the suffix “tion” that indicates the effect, fact or action of, also comes from the Latin “desiccatĭo”.

In Botany

Operation that involves removing water from plants to preserve them in herbaria

In chemistry

Separation of the water containing a substance carried out the drying of the solid by heating it in an oven.

A drying out in soils

It is the process of forming polygonal cracks in compact soil by losing water and moisture in periods of drought. Desiccation cracks mostly affect clay soils. Shrinkage of these soils can lead to the formation of cracks up to 4 cm wide and more than 1 m deep. The deep action of temperature changes and other atmospheric agents can then be the cause of subsequent landslides. They also play a role in the formation of polygonal soils and in creep phenomena.

Other definitions

– Action and effect of drying or drying out.

– Sanitation or drainage of a waterlogged land to be used as a cultivation field.

– Elimination of humidity, esp. in vegetable matters.


by Abdullah Sam
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