
Being dependent on something or someone is far from the best way of life. For addiction is a rather serious limitation, because of which people cannot taste all the charms of life and cannot fully realize themselves in it. Having become addicted, a person imprisons his consciousness, he ceases to see much around him and limits himself only to what he has become addicted to. And limiting one’s life in this way is like shortening its duration. Moreover, some types of addiction [alcohol, tobacco, drugs] really shorten a person’s life and often make her unhappy. In this regard, most people rightly believe that it is necessary to get rid of many, and ideally all addictions, in order to become freer. Only not always people know how to do it right.

What is addiction? Dependence is, first of all, a person’s limitations, and at the same time his weakness. A dependent person sees the world predominantly from one certain angle of view, usually under the one at which it is convenient for him to see him and under which he is used to seeing him. As a result, his values ​​are severely limited. We can say that he is content with the small, without claiming more. Suppose a person has an alcohol addiction – how does he then see the world? He sees that in this world there is a certain set of pleasures that brighten up a person’s life. If a person is not very dependent on alcohol, then his value system, in addition to alcohol itself, can include such things as gambling, women, cigarettes, and some others, for which he essentially lives. And that’s all. From this he enjoys, that he lives. He simply does not notice all other things. He is locked in his small world, his mind is in prison, although his body can be completely free. There are no higher values ​​in his inner world; he simply does not understand them. He does not understand the value of knowledge, the value of self-realization, the value of success in any significant matters, he does not realize the value of family and the like. Such a person is a slave to his worldview. And there are people for whom the whole joy of life lies only in alcohol or drugs, and everything else they are not interested in at all. These people are sick, they have lost the ability to enjoy life, not just one thing that is in it. Their worldview has narrowed to the limit, and they themselves are too weak to expand it on their own. And expanding the consciousness of addicted people is one way to get rid of their addiction. This is a way to make them free people.

I always believed and believe [because I often solved problems with addiction in this way] that you can save a person from any kind of addiction by expanding his worldview and expanding his consciousness, thus introducing new values ​​into his life. This is necessary in order to set his body to life, and not to slow self-destruction from the most harmful types of addictions. According to my observations, nature includes in man a kind of self-destruction program if he sees that he is weak and unpromising. And as soon as a person begins to show interest in life, as soon as he begins to strive for something serious and joins the struggle, this program is deactivated. Of course, before you begin to instill in a person a taste for life and expand his consciousness, it is necessary to convince him of the need to tackle this problem. Some addicted people do not consider their addiction a problem at all and therefore do not want to be treated with psychological methods. However, if a person realizes his problem and seeks help from a specialist, wanting to get rid of one or another of his addictions, as was the case with some of my clients who themselves turned to me for help, then he embarks on the path of healing. I would even say that he is taking the first and very serious step in this direction. Thus, the problem of dependence must be at least partially realized in order to tune in to its solution. Therefore, some addicted people need to regularly, accurately and metered provide information about their problem so that they can notice and realize it. After that, they will be able to tackle its decision on their own or by contacting a specialist for help.

And what needs to be done to make a person aware of his problem? To do this, he must look at her from the side. More precisely, he needs to help her look from the side. A person needs to show another life – a life without his problem – without dependence on something or someone, so that he sees in his imagination or on a concrete example that his life can be different, that it can be much better, more interesting, better . It is necessary to compare what a person already has with what he can get. Of course, there are people, they are always there who are so used to living in their virtual prison that it is almost impossible to get them out of it – their brain is stiff and they don’t want to perceive anything new. They are accustomed to their values, accustomed to their dependence and agree to be its hostages until the end of their days. They are not interested in real life – they are interested in that small world in which they live. What can I say – everyone has the right to manage his life the way he wants. But this does not mean that you should not work with these people in the way I have proposed. The helping hand should be extended to everyone, and whoever grabs hold of it will return to real life. Suppose that out of ten people, we will help just two or three to expand our understanding of life and thus relieve them of any definite dependence, but what kind of people these two or three people can become, how much benefit they can bring to the world. And you can work with the rest using other, more crude methods, or not work at all. After all, addicted people have always been and probably always will be.

In general, friends, we are all more or less dependent on something. It’s just that our dependence can be more or less evenly distributed between different things, so we don’t get hung up on anything specific and don’t feel our dependence on one thing. The breadth of our knowledge allows us to enjoy various things, and not from a certain number of them. It makes us free and conditionally independent, because we can choose between different options for the structure of our lives. Nevertheless, we can say that the life of each person depends on something, that it is impossible to replace anything else. For example, we are all dependent on air, food and water, and this is natural. Because these are vital resources. But we don’t reduce our whole life to these things only, right? And why? Because most of us have enough of these resources. Fortunately, most modern people do not suffer from hunger, thirst or lack of air. Therefore, the better we can satisfy our urgent needs, the less we depend on them. Now apply this logic to all other things in our lives. Think how flexible we can be in certain cases, situations, so that less depends on someone or depends on something? Take education, for example. It is quite obvious that how a person gets in this life will depend on what knowledge a person will receive. Having learned something that is not very much in demand by society, it will be difficult for a person to sell his work and earn the money necessary for life. He can become dependent on any particular job, people, place of residence, but in general, from their knowledge and skills. That is, having made the wrong choice when getting an education, a person will deprive himself of the necessary flexibility, limit his capabilities and may become dependent on a certain type of activity. Of course, you can always learn new things or relearn, but this requires time, strength and will. And not everyone has these things. Thus – our choice with you, which we make every day, making certain decisions, either makes us more dependent people, or more free. The right choice is a choice in which a person always has several options for solving a particular problem. And the wrong choice is to limit the number of these decisions. limit its capabilities and may become dependent on a certain type of activity. Of course, you can always learn new things or relearn, but this requires time, strength and will. And not everyone has these things. Thus – our choice with you, which we make every day, making certain decisions, either makes us more dependent people, or more free. The right choice is a choice in which a person always has several options for solving a particular problem. And the wrong choice is to limit the number of these decisions. limit its capabilities and may become dependent on a certain type of activity. Of course, you can always learn new things or relearn, but this requires time, strength and will. And not everyone has these things. Thus – our choice with you, which we make every day, making certain decisions, either makes us more dependent people, or more free. The right choice is a choice in which a person always has several options for solving a particular problem. And the wrong choice is to limit the number of these decisions. or more free. The right choice is a choice in which a person always has several options for solving a particular problem. And the wrong choice is to limit the number of these decisions. or more free. The right choice is a choice in which a person always has several options for solving a particular problem. And the wrong choice is to limit the number of these decisions.

Any variety is a great cure for addiction. But diversity must be primarily in the head of a person so that he can act differently in some situations. Still, anything can happen in life – sometimes our choice is not so great, but our imagination, creativity, flexibility – can significantly expand it. Much depends on ourselves – on our ability or inability to push the limits of our perception and find in life a lot of new and interesting things, and not be limited to just a few things that we have long been accustomed to. Sometimes for this you need to overcome your laziness and pacify your ego, which often prevent people from living a full life.

There is such a dependence that is not obvious to many people, such as dependence on one’s own opinion, which people often consider to be the ultimate truth and do not want to revise it. As a result of this, they greatly narrow their understanding of certain things, close themselves from many other points of view useful to them, and thus limit their possibilities. However, people do not even understand that their so-called personal opinion is not their opinion at all – it often turns out to be borrowed from other people. And often it turns out that this borrowed opinion harms the one who borrowed it. Here’s how to understand this relationship? Why does it arise? This, friends, the laziness of the mind and low self-esteem of a person, because of which he simply does not want to allow thoughts that he might be mistaken, may not know something, not understand, do not see. Therefore, when a person is too lazy to think and when his psyche is depressed, he becomes dependent on his alleged opinion and without outside help it is very difficult for him to get rid of it. Laziness and the ego keep him trapped.

But I repeat, if a person realized his problem with addiction or they helped him to realize it, and he wants to get rid of it, he will definitely do it. A solution will be found if you look for it. And we know where to look – we need to expand our horizons in order to be able to take a lot of good things from life, and not just one thing. Any task becomes a problem only when its solution is not obvious. But it becomes an even bigger problem when a person is not trying to solve it. Fear, narrow-mindedness, habits, laziness, lack of willpower – all these things that make us addicted to something can be dealt with. A person needs to instill a taste for life so that he can cope with all this. I am talking specifically about the psychological way to solve this problem. I am absolutely confident in the abilities of human consciousness and I know that most people can, with the help of right thoughts, become more free, and therefore less dependent. Dependence always overcomes those who do not want to see life as it is in its diversity, who limits himself. Some people lack the spirit, courage, perseverance to live a full life. They become addicted to something because they see it as a salvation for themselves. They limit their world, fearing the unknown and uncertainty, not understanding that the unknown and uncertainty will not disappear anywhere if they are not noticed, they can burst into a person’s life at any moment and turn everything upside down in it. Therefore, one must be open to everything that is in life and not be afraid of anything – no changes, nothing new. Dependence always overcomes those who do not want to see life as it is in its diversity, who limits himself. Some people lack the spirit, courage, perseverance to live a full life. They become addicted to something because they see it as a salvation for themselves. They limit their world, fearing the unknown and uncertainty, not understanding that the unknown and uncertainty will not disappear anywhere if they are not noticed, they can burst into a person’s life at any moment and turn everything upside down in it. Therefore, one must be open to everything that is in life and not be afraid of anything – no changes, nothing new. Dependence always overcomes those who do not want to see life as it is in its diversity, who limits himself. Some people lack the spirit, courage, perseverance to live a full life. They become addicted to something because they see it as a salvation for themselves. They limit their world, fearing the unknown and uncertainty, not understanding that the unknown and uncertainty will not disappear anywhere if they are not noticed, they can burst into a person’s life at any moment and turn everything upside down in it. Therefore, one must be open to everything that is in life and not be afraid of anything – no changes, nothing new. They become addicted to something because they see it as a salvation for themselves. They limit their world, fearing the unknown and uncertainty, not understanding that the unknown and uncertainty will not disappear anywhere if they are not noticed, they can burst into a person’s life at any moment and turn everything upside down in it. Therefore, one must be open to everything that is in life and not be afraid of anything – no changes, nothing new. They become addicted to something because they see it as a salvation for themselves. They limit their world, fearing the unknown and uncertainty, not understanding that the unknown and uncertainty will not disappear anywhere if they are not noticed, they can burst into a person’s life at any moment and turn everything upside down in it. Therefore, one must be open to everything that is in life and not be afraid of anything – no changes, nothing new.

For some people, this approach is unacceptable. Still, we all get used to something, we all have some things, people, business, hobbies, which are more important to us than anything else. As a result, we are dependent on what we consider valuable for ourselves. But we must depart from this. You need to be able to change values, revise them, rethink. I understand that there are things that are very difficult to replace or even impossible – close people, some kind of personal flaws that you have to put up with, a place of life that a person is used to, things that he is used to doing. But everything does not need to be changed. Sometimes it’s enough to make only one change in your life in order to radically change it, making yourself less dependent on something or someone. For example, you can change jobs and stop depending on your boss, who is stopping you from developing. Or you can change your place of residence so as not to depend on anyone’s laws and regulations harmful to you. Sometimes it’s useful to change the person whom I’m used to and with whom I have lived for many years to stop depending on his reckless behavior. So change is always possible. And they do not have to be total, they must be extremely accurate in order to hit exactly the point that most severely limits a person.

Learn to push the boundaries of your perception and expand your consciousness – there are tons of ways you can do it. The more you know about life, the less you will focus on some of its individual moments. This is the foundation you need to learn. As soon as a person learns to live a full life, believe me, he will immediately get rid of many of his addictions, including various bad habits. For why take pleasure in the small and the harmful, when you can get it from the larger and the more useful. And this approach can be used for different dependencies. Nothing is too important for a person if he can easily replace it with something else. So, friends, you can solve many addiction problems

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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