Dengvaxia Medicine

Dengvaxia is a vaccine indicated for the prevention of dengue for children from 9 years of age and adults up to 45 years old, who live in endemic areas and have already been infected with Dengue.This vaccine works to prevent dengue caused by dengue virus serotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4, because it stimulates the body’s natural defenses, leading to the production of antibodies against dengue virus. Thus, when a person comes into contact with the dengue virus, his body reacts quickly by fighting the disease.

How to take 

Generally, 3 doses of vaccine are recommended, which should be given at 6 month intervals each.It has been recommended that this vaccine should only be given to people who have had dengue fever or who live in areas where dengue epidemics are frequent because people who have never been exposed to dengue virus may have a higher risk of worsening the disease. of hospitalization.This vaccine should be prepared and administered by a doctor, nurse or health care professional.

Possible side effects 

Some of the side effects of Dengvaxia may include headache, body pain, malaise, weakness, fever and injection site allergy reaction such as redness, itching and swelling and pain.People who have never had dengue and who live in places where the disease is not as frequent as the southern region of Brazil, when vaccinated may have more severe reactions and have to be admitted to hospital for treatment. Thus, it has been recommended that the vaccine be applied only to people who have had dengue before or who live in places where the incidence of the disease is high, such as the North, Northeast and Southeast.


This medicine is contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women, children under 9 years old, adults over 45 years old, patients with fever or symptoms of disease, congenital or acquired immune deficiency such as leukemia or lymphoma, patients with HIV or who are receiving immunosuppressive therapies and patients who are allergic to any of the formula’s components.In addition to this vaccine, there are other important measures to prevent dengue, learn how in  Learn How Dengue Transmission Is Made.

by Abdullah Sam
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