Democratic Party of the United States

Democratic Party (in English: Democratic Party ). It is one of the two main political parties in the United States of America .

It is considered a party with a liberal tendency, an ideology contrary to common liberalism, since in the United States democratic thought is closer to social democracy and the so-called “North American progressivism” , which is nothing more than an ideology that promotes the free market although it defends the government’s participation in issues such as the economy, education and health.

The blue color is used to identify states that have a Democratic majority (compared to red that identifies Republicans); and by extension it is the color of the party.


Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic Party in 1792 as a congressional group to fight for the Bill of Rights, and against the elitist Federalist Party. In 1798, “the common man’s party” was officially named the Democratic – Republican Party, and in 1800 Jefferson was the first Democratic President of the United States. Jefferson ruled for two terms and was followed by James Madison in 1808. Madison strengthened the American armed forces by helping to reaffirm American independence by defeating the British in the War of 1812. His successor, James MonroeHe was elected in 1816 and led the Nation through a period known as “The Age of Good Sentiment” in which Republican Democrats ruled with little opposition. In 1848, the National Convention established the National Democratic Committee, the oldest practicing political organization in the world. The Convention gave the DNC the responsibility to promote the “Democratic Cause” in the time periods between each convention, and to prepare for the next convention.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the electorate was changing rapidly. The Democratic Party welcomed immigrants arriving in cities and industrial centers, created a political base by including them in American society, and helped create the most powerful economic engine in history. Democratic Party leader William Jennings Bryan led a land reform movement and endorsed women’s right to vote, progressively graduated income taxes, and direct Senatorial elections. As the United States entered the 20th century, the Democratic Party became the dominant urban policy force.

In 1912, Woodrow Wilson became the first Democratic president of the 20th century. Wilson led the country through World War I, fought for the establishment of the League or League of Nations , created the Federal Reserve, and passed the first law. against child labor.

So far Franklin D. Roosvelt has been the longest-serving Democrat as American President.

Years later, Franklin Roosevelt was elected president based on the promise of the “New Commitment.” Roosevelt managed to get America out of the Great Depression thanks to looking beyond the Democratic base and helping cities on the premise that the government can actively assist in times of great need. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” provided water to the Central Valley of California, electrified the Appalachians, and saved farmers in the Midwest. The Civilian Conservation Corps, WPA, and Social Security Services managed to integrate all Americans into the system, freeing us from fear, giving us part of the future, making the nation stronger.

With the election of Harry S. Truman , Democrats began to fight to lower the final barriers that existed on racial and gender issues. Truman integrated the military and oversaw the reconstruction of Europe by establishing the Marshall Plan and the North Atlantic Treaty of Organizations (NATO antecedent). Truman’s leadership paved the way for the civil rights leaders who followed him. In 1960 President John F. Kennedyhe encouraged a nation to be optimistic, and to build on its own history. Kennedy proclaimed the “New Frontier” and challenged Americans to take a man to the moon, created the Peace Corps, and negotiated a treaty to ban the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere. Lyndon Johnson continued the Kennedy path, working for the ratification of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Decrees. Kennedy and Johnson advocated for an end to segregation in many southern states. After the Kennedy assassination, Johnson declared the “War on Poverty” and created a series of programs, including Medicare – thus ensuring that older Americans receive quality health care.

In 1976 Jimmy Carter was elected President, helping to restore the Nation’s confidence in the government after the Watergate scandal. Among other things, Carter negotiated the historic Camp David peace agreement between Egypt and Israel .

In 1992, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was elected as the 42nd President of the United States. Clinton based his campaign on a “new alliance” with forgotten American working families. After twelve years of Republican presidents, America faced a record budget deficit, high unemployment, and rising crime. President Clinton’s policies prioritized the individual and resulted in the greatest period of economic expansion in peacetime history. The 1993 Deficit Reduction Decree- approved in the House of Representatives and in the Senate without a single republican vote, he put the nation on the path of fiscal responsibility, bringing to an end the constant budget deficit.

Having inherited a deficit of $ 290 billion in 1992, President Clinton’s latest budget showed a surplus of $ 200 billion. The Clinton – Gore administration was responsible for reducing unemployment to its lowest level in decades, and reducing crime to its lowest point in this generation. In 1996 President Clinton became the first Democratic President to be reelected since Roosevelt, who was reelected in 1936. In 1998, the Democrats became the first party since 1822 to control seats in the White House. Congress during its sixth year of government.

In the 2000 election, Democrats won 4 additional seats in the Senate, one additional seat in the House of Representatives, and one more governor. Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote for President by more than 500,000 votes, although he was not elected following a Supreme Court ruling that declared George W. Bush the winner. In 2001, Democrats regained control of the Senate under the leadership of Tom Daschle, while Democrats swept victories across the country, including elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Virginia , Governor of New Jersey , and 39 of the 42 largest mayoral elections, including Los Angelesand Houston .

But it would be the electoral victory of the then senator from Illinois , Barack Obama , in the 2008 presidential elections that would mark the current evolution of the Democrats. Obama during the stage, the party reached consensus on decisions such as gay marriage , [1] the abortion and momentum for immigration reform [2] . Although the Republicans returned in 2010 to regain control of the House of Representatives, the party remained in control of the Senate, vital for foreign policy decision-making.


by Abdullah Sam
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