What is the Definition of Time Management?

It feels incomplete if we often hear the term time management or time management, but do not explore the deeper understanding. In general, time management is an action taken to plan, organize or schedule the time available and divide the time into several activities or activities that we will do in one day, one week, one month, even one year. Time management or time management can also be interpreted as a time sharing process that can make us work smarter and wiser in using time.


One of the goals of time management is of course that we do not waste time on things that are less useful, less productive or anything that does not provide ROI (Return on Investment) or high profits.


In addition, one of the benefits of time management is that it helps us to get work done more quickly and efficiently, so that we don’t have to do work with more effort, but only have little results. Time management or good time management can keep us from stress. Why is that? Because we will avoid feelings like “being pursued by deadlines”. Time management or effective time management will help us to complete all work in a timely manner (on time). How cool is this time management application ?! Examples of time management like this have proven how important time management is in our lives.


Is Time Management One of the Factors Towards Success?

Time is one of the most valuable assets in our lives. If some people say that managing finance or financial management is very important, then there are also some people who say that time management also has a very important role, because the elapsed time cannot be played back.


Having good skills in time management can lead us to become successful people. Most people who have achieved success have never wasted time in their lives, because with good time management they can provide high productivity. Examples of daily time management that are always done by successful people are writing important schedules on their agenda regularly and determining three to five tasks that they will prioritize each day. So, if fellow readers are interested in learning to have better time management, we encourage colleagues to learn time management tips from several time management papers, books with time management materials, and of course read this article further! hehe. Let’s look at the explanation of this article more deeply.


What are some good time management tips for achieving your life goals? 

When we do not have good skills in time management, we will experience difficulty in achieving all of our life goals. For example, your fellow readers have plans to take a business trip overseas next week, but your boss notes that your fellow readers complete all office work before leaving next week. Due to poor time management, fellow readers cannot meet existing deadlines, as a result fellow readers fail to travel on business. In fact, there are lots of opportunities given by client companies if fellow readers can go there. From this example we can draw the conclusion that poor time management will only make us farther away from the life goals that were previously designed.


Statistics show that 92% of people have failed to achieve their long-term goals because they do not have good time management. Now, if Career Advice colleagues don’t want to be included in the statistical data, then this is the right time for colleagues to pay attention to what things should be considered when making time management?


Reporting from the dot com entrepreneur website, there are 15 time management tips that are very effective for us to apply and can make it easier for us to achieve life goals. Let’s just look at the explanation below.


1. Make Sure We Set Goals the Right Way.

As the core of the title stated in this article, good time management will help us in achieving life goals . However, we also need to ensure that our life goals are truly determined in the right way. When we set goals, targets or targets in the right way, then we will assume “the sky is the limit of our dreams”. Meaning, all the goals we have are specifically designed, organized and also relevant to the conditions and abilities that exist.


Now to set life goals in the right way, we advise colleagues to design life goals with the SMART method . Anyone already knows this method?


In short, SMART has the following abbreviations:

S  : Specific – Significant, Stretching, Simple

M  : Measurable – Meaningful, Motivational, Manageable

A  : Attainable – Appropriate, Achievable, Adjustable, Ambitious, Aligned, Action-focused

R  : Relevant – Result-Based, Results-oriented, Resourced, Resonant, Realistic

Q  : Timely – Time framed, Timed, Time-based, Time-bound, Time-Specific, Timetabled


From the SMART abbreviation above, it can be concluded that setting a life goal in a good way is to make it specific, measurable (can be measured with validity), achievable, relevant and have a clear and precise time or timeline regarding when we should be able to achieve it .


2. Separate Work Tasks into Categories in Their Completion. 

Maybe every day our work assignments will always increase more than we predict. However, if we have the right way to manage the completion of these tasks, in fact how many tasks are there will not be a problem. Therefore, we need to separate work tasks into several categories to determine how to complete them.


We can divide all work tasks into 4 categories, which are as follows:

– Work assignments that are very important and urgent.

– Work assignments that are not urgent, but which remain important tasks to do.

– Work assignments that we want to focus on, and

– Work assignments are not important at all and we can avoid them.


3. Complete the Hardest and Biggest Tasks

Mark Twain recommends us to do and complete the most difficult and difficult tasks in the morning. Why is that? Because in the morning, our brain is still very fresh, so we can give more enthusiasm to do heavy and difficult tasks in the morning. The rest, light tasks we can do afterward.


4. Follow the Pareto Principle, the 80-20 Rule.

Turning to point number four, one of the best time management tips is to use the 80-20 rule or what we can call the Pareto Principle. The purpose of this rule is that 80% of the actual results come from 20% of the effort or effort put in. For example: 80% of successful presentations come from 20% of regular practice. To find out the tricks of this rule, we need to identify 20% of efforts that can produce 80% of the results and scale.

This Pareto principle or 80-20 rule allows us to work intelligently. So, we can have a good time management in achieving all life goals that we have set.


5. Focus and Maintain All Good Habits.

The fifth tip, we need to focus on the good habits we have and maintain or maintain all those habits. Good habits can help us to avoid bad time management. For example, we are accustomed to playing social media outside working hours. Well, this is a good habit that needs to be maintained because by having this habit we can focus on getting work done and using time wisely.


6. Find Out What Are Our Bad Habits and Stay Away from All These Habits.

If in point 5 we encourage fellow readers to focus on the good habits that fellow readers have, so on this 6th point we advise you all to identify what bad habits are still attached to your fellow readers to this day. Maintaining bad habits will only keep us from the desired purpose in life.


7. Set the Right Schedule for Responding to Emails.

Do not let because we are too focused on the activity of checking and replying to emails, our productivity level actually decreases. What’s more, responding too often to emails will only damage our time management. So, try to have a fixed and precise schedule related to when we have to check and respond to all incoming emails. For example, check and respond to an email 30 minutes before lunch and do this again 30 minutes before work time is over.


8. Compile a list of work assignments at night for the next day.

Try an hour or 30 minutes before we go to bed at night, we have compiled a list of what we will do and finish tomorrow. In compiling this list, make sure that we have set three to five priorities that will take precedence over other work assignments. This will facilitate us in completing all the tasks that need to be done, so that our life goals will also be easier to achieve.


9. Turn off notifications and keep away from social media applications when you are focused on work.

Social media applications have indeed become “addictive” for its users. As said by young people in modern times, “Not checking social media in just one hour is like years.” The meaning, checking, responding and playing social media has become an absolute habit that must be done. Unfortunately, playing social media applications too often will only lead to poor time management. So, from now on reduce the use of social media and focus on achieving our goals in life, colleagues.


10. Imagine Our Feelings when the Desired Life Goals Can Be Achieved.

When we lose focus and lose our valuable time due to unproductive activities, we need to imagine how we will feel when our life goals are realized. Imagining feelings like this will encourage us to refocus on the application of good time management.


11. Do Meditation and Exercise Every Morning.

Maybe some of us do not realize how meditation activities and morning exercise can help us manage our time better. Both of these activities can shape ourselves into individuals who are more focused, serious, and more energetic.


12. Look for New Inspirations when We Are Not Excited.

Someone who is facing a decrease in motivation needs to look for new inspirations that can help his life become more motivated. To get new inspiration, we can watch motivational videos on YouTube, watch TED Talks, read motivational books, or read our Career Advice articles on the STUDILMU website. Looking for new inspiration and maintaining motivation will encourage us to have good time management and increasingly excited in pursuing life goals.


13. Look for Mentors who can guide us.

If we have carried out some of the tips above, but we still feel something is missing, then these tips might meet our expectations in having a good time management. Having the right mentor will help and guide us in implementing good time management and achieving all life goals.


14. Don’t Forget to Take a Rest.

Never underestimate the time off, this is very important. If we do not have enough rest, then our time management will also be bad and disturbed.


15. Don’t Forget to Review What We Do for Seven Consecutive Days.

Once in the past week, try to take the time to review related activities or activities that we have done in one week (seven consecutive days). We need to rethink carefully, “have we used time wisely and effectively, or haven’t we?” If we feel that we don’t have good time management, then we should improve it next week.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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