Definition of Analysis According to Experts

Analysis is an activity that includes the activity of sorting, breaking down, differentiating things to be classified and grouped according to certain criteria and then looking for their significance and their relevance.

    Analysis is an activity of thinking to decompose a whole into components so that they can recognize the signs of components, relationships with each other and their respective functions in an integrated whole.
    Analysis is defined as the elaboration ofa subject on various parts and the study of the part itself, as well as the relationships between parts to obtain an appropriate understanding and understanding of the overall meaning.
    Analysis is to evaluate the conditions of the verses relating to accounting and possible reasons for differences that arise.
    Analysis is the first step of the planning process.
    Analysis means evaluating the conditions of the posts or verses relating to accounting and possible reasons for differences that arise.

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    Analysis is the time to gather evidence, to find the source of a problem, namely its roots.
    Analysis is the initial stage in the development of the system which is the fundamental stage which determines the quality of the information system developed.
    Analysis is a work process of a series of stages of work before the research is documented through the stages of report writing.
    Analysis is a way of dividing a subject into components; it means letting go, letting go of, describing something which is bound together.
    Analysis is the “reading” of the text, which locates the signs that place the signs in dynamic interactions, and the messages conveyed.

Analysis is an elaboration on the subject of the part and the study itself, as well as the relationship between the parts to get a proper understanding and understanding of the overall meaning.


The analysis is an evaluation of the conditions of the verses relating to accounting and the reasons for allowing differences to emerge.

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Example of Requirement Analysis

Theoretically, the concept of fractions is a more difficult topic compared to integers (Mark, 1988). Because in learning the concept of fractions is very possible the occurrence of misconceptions in students. In addition to broken material that is difficult, children at the elementary school level always have a desire to play, because it is already a part of their lives.

We can see in everyday life how happy it is when children watch cartoons and read comics. For this reason, a learning system that is fun and appropriate for students needs to be considered. This is in accordance with what was revealed by Risman (2003) to organize education that is fun for children so that children can achieve there are three C that must be considered, namely children (children), content (material), and context (situation). Risman further explained that the right treatment and the appropriate material would not have a positive effect if it was not conveyed in the right situation ( context ).

Based on the background description above, it is necessary for a teacher’s actions to find and apply an alternative learning model that is able to increase students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, especially the concept of fractions by paying attention to the level of mental development of students.

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  • Implementation Stage

For the application of this media, it must go through 4 stages, namely: (1) planning ( plan ): planning of action ( Plan of Action ) and planning of research ( Plan of Research ), (2) actions ( act ): implementing actions ( implementing actions ) and observing actions ( monitor action ), (3) investigation ( research ): get data ( produce data ) and data analysis ( analyze data ), and (4) reflection ( reflect ). Of the four stages form a cycle.

  1. Planning Phase (plan), includes:
    1. draw up a learning plan.
    2. compose comics that will be used as learning media.
    3. prepare materials / props needed in the implementation of the action
    4. prepare observation sheets that will be used by observers when implementing actions.
  2. Acting Stage

The implementation of the action in question is to carry out learning the concept of fractions by using comic media and observing the activities of students and teachers during the learning process using prepared observation sheets.

  1. Stage of investigation (Research)

At this stage includes producing data ( produce data ) and data analysis ( analyze data ).

In this study, data analysis was carried out in a process. The process in this case means that the implementation has started since the data collection was carried out and worked intensively. Each time the action is over, the data collected is analyzed based on observations, student work, final results and interview results.

The data analysis technique used in this study is a qualitative data analysis technique developed by Miles and Huberman (1992), namely by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions and verifying data.

  1. Reflection Stage (reflect)

The implementation of reflection activities, the researchers conducted discussions with observers to capture the things that happened before and during the action based on test results, observations, results of interviews, and field notes with research subjects so that conclusions can be drawn in planning further actions.

The Purpose of Analysis at Work

This job analysis produces a list of job descriptions written statements regarding the obligations of workers which also includes qualification standards, level of education, minimum experience required as well as the character of the job itself.

There are 12 types of objectives for job analysis, including:

  1. Job description,
  2. Job classification,
  3. Job evaluation,
  4. Job design restructuring,
  5. Personnel requirements,
  6. Performance appraisal,
  7. Worker training,
  8. Worker mobility,
  9. Efficiency,
  10. Safety
  11. Human resource planning,

Analysis, as defined by various experts, can be concisely summarized in a tabular format. This table will outline the definitions provided by different experts or sources, highlighting the unique perspectives and dimensions each one brings to the understanding of “analysis.”

Expert/Source Definition of Analysis
Aristotle “The process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it.” This perspective focuses on the classical method of breaking down and examining components.
Karl Popper “The rigorous, systematic examination of statements or theories to test their validity.” Popper emphasizes the scientific method in analysis.
John Dewey “A reflective and systematic approach to problem-solving.” Dewey sees analysis as a crucial part of the educational process and critical thinking.
Webster’s Dictionary “A detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.” This is a more general and widely applicable definition.
Edward Tufte “The exploration of data to find underlying patterns, correlations, and insights.” Tufte focuses on data analysis and visualization.
Modern Computing “The use of algorithms and software to examine large sets of data.” This is a contemporary view that aligns with the rise of big data and analytics.

Each definition provides a different lens through which analysis can be viewed, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the concept across various fields and eras.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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