How to deal with parents’ lack of interest in their children’s school life?

One of the factors that most impact on students ‘school performance is the parents’ lack of interest in their children’s school life. The school tries, in various ways, to maintain communication with those responsible for the child, however, it is not always reciprocated.

There are different profiles of parents. There are those who do not get involved and also those who participate, however, in the wrong way, through intense demands. Not to mention students who show signs of abuse, leaving the school in a delicate situation.

According to a study carried out by the Todos pela Educação movement in Brazil, the ideal profile of parents committed to education corresponds to only 12% of the total. The rest is divided into:

  • Involved with the school: 25%;
  • Linked to children: 27%;
  • Intermediaries: 17%;
  • Distant: 19%.


According to figures brought by the 2015 Prova Brasil , 94% of education professionals say that the most relevant factor in student performance is the monitoring of parents in their school life, followed by aspects such as student effort, social environment, cultural level of parents and indiscipline .

The impact of parents’ lack of interest in their children’s school life

The participation in the school life of their children is through parental involvement with the tasks, encouragement through conversations about school, periodic visits to the university and incentives for children and adolescents arouse their curiosity, explore and express their ideas freely.

From the moment they feel welcomed by their parents or guardians, they will be more self-confident and, as a result, they will have a cooperative behavior, self-control, spontaneity and greater willingness to learn.

What children see at home, they take to the school environment. When they do not receive the attention they need from their parents, they end up replicating this lack of commitment at school.

How to deal with the lack of interest?

First, the school needs to assess whether the way it is communicating with parents is ideal. For each profile, there is a more suitable means.

For example, writing long messages for parents with low schooling is not the best way to send messages. Perhaps a very objective WhatsApp is more effective.

Instead of the school setting the agenda for meetings with families , ask participants to define the best day for them, so the commitment will be greater. In case the parents continue to miss the meetings, the school could, exceptionally, schedule times in the time that is reserved for the collective pedagogical work (HTPC).

Having someone at the door when students enter and leave is also an interesting alternative to encourage communication between school, parents and guardians.

However, if these measures have already been put into action and still haven’t worked, the tips below can help you.

Send messages to parents in a friendly tone

As much as managers and teachers are tired of their parents’ lack of interest, sending rude messages will not solve the situation, on the contrary, it can aggravate it.

Likewise, instead of simply talking about the problem with the family, propose solutions so that they can deal with the issue. After all, parents and schools need to work together for the education of children and adolescents.

Warn them that charging is not monitoring

Many parents believe that keeping up with their children’s school life is charging them. This is a tool that should be used as a last resort. Committing to education is much more than charging for assignments and grades .

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Studying does not have to be an obligation, learning should happen in a pleasant and natural way. For this reason, it is important for the school to alert parents about their role in their children’s education. Ask them not to cover, but rather, stimulate, talk and honor them.

Take the necessary measures when the student is ill, even if the parents do not attend

In cases where the student becomes ill, the school needs to notify the parents immediately. However, they do not always attend. What to do in this situation?

First, check if the case needs to be taken forward. Often, these are mild occurrences that can be resolved at the school itself.

However, if the parents do not comment on what happened and a doctor is needed, the student must be welcomed and sent to a Basic Health Unit (UBS) or to a hospital.

For serious cases, someone on the management team can go directly to the address of the parents or guardians so that the situation can be resolved as soon as possible.

Communicate the Guardian Council in case of neglect, abandonment or mistreatment

If the school identifies cases of neglect, abandonment or abuse , it needs to report to the Guardian Council immediately.

Do not be afraid to take this action, as the organ’s function is to protect the child and adolescent. Before taking custody of the children, several actions are taken with the aim of strengthening family bonds and overcoming the situation of vulnerability.

It is worth remembering that, according to the Child and Adolescent Statute ( ECA ), communicating the Guardianship Council is an obligation of the school and should not be neglected.

Talk to the student and help him

The school tried everything, but it cannot overcome the lack of interest from the parents. Communication just doesn’t work. What should the team do?

Remembering that, even if the student is emancipated, the family is responsible for the teenager until he is 18 years old.

Faced with this situation, the school remains to give full support to the student. Talk to him and help him as much as you can. What cannot happen is the negligence of both parties, parents and the school.




And then? Did you like the tips to deal with parents’ lack of interest in their children’s school life? Is there anything else that is done at your school that we don’t mention here? Tell us your experience, it will be a pleasure to hear from you!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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