How to cure suffering Create happiness for yourself

Sure many people I am having problems I feel myself suffering on a regular basis, whether it is family, work, friends, some people have health problems. Many more No matter what we find I often have a feeling that Why do we only face bad things, not be happy in life, and what to do with solving the problems that hush in our hearts? Today we have some advice to leave each other.

Do what you like

There is probably no activity that we do happy to help alleviate suffering any better. Turning to things that you enjoy, for example reading books, playing games in web slots, watching movies, listening to music, or taking up other hobbies that make us happy, etc, can help restore your bad mood.


Exercise is A real magic potion that not only gives us a healthy body but that But it also causes messages of happiness to flow out of our brains as well. So when we feel the noise is not bright with life. Let’s turn to exercise. I guarantee that it will make you feel more energetic.

Talk to someone you trust.

In the end, if you still find your life to be extremely dry, try calling your friends or chatting on LINE or Facebook to vent your feelings with your friends. Perhaps having conversations with frustrations can help relieve tension a lot. If everyone can do this You will then be able to heal your own heart’s suffering.

Practice meditation

It is the most basic way to help stop the worries and worries within us. May start from praying to the Buddha first to calm the mind at first. After that, I find a quiet and quiet corner to sit and close my eyes to meditate. But some people might say they don’t like meditation or meditation to calm the mind, so find a corner with trees. The wind blows nicely and then just sit quietly without thinking about it. This way, it can help make our thoughts more calm as well.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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